Kamis, 26 September 2024

Tongkang PRIMA SAMUDRA II Mengalami Kebocoran Dan Miring Saat Berlayar Dari Bunati Tujuan PLTU Ropa // PRIMA SAMUDRA II Barge Experiences Leakage And Tilting While Sailing From Bunati To PLTU Ropa

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Ende, 26 September 2024 - KSOP Kelas IV Ende melaporkan insiden yang melibatkan kapal tongkang PRIMA SAMUDRA II. Kapal berbendera Indonesia ini mengalami kemiringan saat berlayar dari Bunati menuju PLTU Ropa. Insiden terjadi pada tanggal 12 September 2024 sekitar pukul 16.00 LT, ketika awak kapal mendeteksi kapal mulai miring ke kiri pada posisi 05°57'657"S 117°03'674"E dengan kecepatan 1,7 knot/jam.

Menurut laporan, kapal berupaya berlindung di Selat Makassarkarena kondisi cuaca buruk maka nakhoda memutuskan untuk tetap melanjutkan perjalanan menuju PLTU Ropa. Pada 19 September 2024, kapal tiba di lokasi pada koordinat 08°29'200"S 121°41'099"E, dengan posisi labuh tongkang di 08°30'367"S 121°41'958"E. Setelah pemeriksaan, ditemukan enam tangki bocor, dengan lubang berukuran 20 cm di area cabin station.

Upaya perbaikan telah dilakukan, termasuk menutup titik kebocoran dan memompa air keluar dari kapal. Meski demikian, tongkang masih miring karena muatan batu bara sebanyak 5.037,138 ton sudah condong ke kiri. Hingga saat ini, tidak ada tumpahan muatan yang terjadi, karena dinding tongkang masih menahan beban batu bara.

Dampak Insiden:

  • Korban: Tidak ada korban jiwa.
  • Pencemaran: Tidak ada pencemaran yang dilaporkan.
  • Kerugian: Total kerugian masih dalam investigasi.

KSOP Kelas IV Ende telah mengambil tindakan cepat dengan berkoordinasi dengan instansi terkait seperti Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Ende, UPTD PLN Maumere, dan PLTU Ropa, serta melakukan antisipasi terhadap potensi jatuhnya batu bara ke laut. Informasi lebih lanjut sedang dikumpulkan dari keterangan awak kapal yang terlibat.

Insiden ini masih dalam penanganan pihak terkait, dan upaya pemulihan terus dilakukan untuk mencegah dampak lingkungan lebih lanjut.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


English Version

Ende, 26 September 2024 – The Class IV Harbourmaster and Port Authority (KSOP) of Ende has reported an incident involving the PRIMA SAMUDRA II barge. The Indonesian-flagged vessel experienced tilting while sailing from Bunati to PLTU Ropa. The incident occurred on 12 September 2024 at approximately 16.00 LT, when the crew noticed the barge tilting to the left at coordinates 05°57'657"S 117°03'674"E with a speed of 1.7 knots/hour.

According to the report, the barge attempted to seek shelter in the Makassar Strait due to bad weather, but the captain decided to continue sailing toward PLTU Ropa. On 19 September 2024, the barge arrived at its destination at coordinates 08°29'200"S 121°41'099"E, with the anchoring position at 08°30'367"S 121°41'958"E. Upon inspection, six tanks were found leaking, with 20 cm holes detected in the cabin station area.

Repair efforts have been made, including sealing the leakage points and pumping out water from the vessel. However, the barge remains tilted as 5,037.138 tons of coal cargo has shifted to the left. As of now, there has been no cargo spillage, as the barge's walls are still holding the coal load.

Incident Impact:

  • Casualties: No fatalities reported.
  • Pollution: No pollution reported.
  • Losses: The total amount of damage is still under investigation.

The Class IV KSOP of Ende has taken swift action by coordinating with relevant agencies such as the Ende Regency Environmental Service, UPTD PLN Maumere, and PLTU Ropa, while also implementing measures to prevent potential coal spillage into the sea. Further information is being gathered from the crew members involved.

This incident remains under the management of the relevant authorities, and recovery efforts are ongoing to prevent further environmental impacts.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]

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