Minggu, 12 Januari 2025

Kapal Tanker MT Silver Sincere Tenggelam Di Perairan Tanjung Berakit, Seluruh Kru Selamat / Motor Tanker MT. Silver Sincere Sinks In Tanjung Berakit Waters, All Crew Rescued

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12 Januari 2024 – Kapal tanker MT Silver Sincere (Callsign: 9MGZ9) mengalami insiden tenggelam di perairan utara Tanjung Berakit pada posisi 01° 17.892' N/104° 22.841' E. Kapal GT 739 yang mengangkut 113 kiloliter limbah minyak (waste oil) ini mengalami gangguan serius hingga akhirnya tenggelam. Berkat respons cepat dari pihak terkait, seluruh kru kapal berhasil diselamatkan.

Kapal tersebut membawa delapan kru, terdiri atas tujuh warga negara Indonesia (WNI) dan satu warga negara asing asal Myanmar. Kejadian bermula pada pukul 15.18 waktu setempat ketika MT Silver Sincere melaporkan kondisi blackout dan kebocoran pada ballast kiri, yang menyebabkan kapal miring hingga 15° ke kiri.

Kronologi Laporan:

  • 15.18 LT - MT SILVER SINCERE melaporkan kepada VTS Batam bahwa kapal mengalami blackout dan terjadi kebocoran pada Ballast Kiri, Listing 15° ke kiri, kapal memerlukan bantuan segera.
  • 15.25  LT- VTS Batam kontak KN Rantos dan Sarotama via Radio
  • 15.27 LT - VTS Batam menghubungi LANTAMAL via pesan Whatsapp.
  • 15.30 LT - VTS Batam menghubungi KN Tanjung Datu
  • 15.30 LT - MT SILVER SINCERE melaporkan kepada VTS Batam bahwa kapal kemiringan kapal 25°, kapal dari Port Klang tujuan EOPL, dengan crew 8 orang.
  • 15.34 LT- PLP Tg Uban (KN Rantos) menghubungi VTS Batam via Radio untuk konfirmasi berita.
  • 15.56 LT - Update SILVER SINCERE melaporkan kemungkinan dalam 30menit kedepan kapal akan tenggelam. Kapal telah menyiarkan MAYDAY. VTS Batam meminta kapal terdekat MV INTAN DAYA 368 untuk membantu evakuasi kapal. VTS Batam menyiapkan MAYDAY RELAY.
  • 16.15 LT - KN Rantos PLP Tanjung Uban menuju lokasi.
  • 16.30 LT - Penyiaran NTM MAYDAY RELAY VTS Batam
  • 16.41 LT - Update Info dari MV INTAN DAYA 368 terpantau kapal SILVER SINCERE keadaan Miring dan di sebelah belakang kapal terlihat LIFECRAFT. 
  • 16.56 LT - Penyiaran NTM MAYDAY RELAY VTS Batam
  • 17.01 LT - Posisi AIS SILVER SINCERE terakhir sebelum tenggelam pada 01° 17.892' N / 104° 22.841' E
  • 17.06 LT - Update Informasi Kapal MV INTAN DAYA 368. Untuk kapal SILVER SINCERE kapal tenggelam, terlihat 20% dari bagian kapal di atas air dan 80% bagian kapal di bawah air. Untuk semua crew SILVER SINCERE sudah berada di Lifecraft dan proses evakuasi Oleh MV INTAN DAYA 368. Dan terdapat indikasi Oil Pollution.
  • 17.46 LT - Update KN Rantos kembali ke Batu Ampar dikarenakan cuaca buruk. Selanjutnya evakuasi dilakukan oleh KN SAROTAMA yang bergerak dari tg Uban.
  • 17.52 LT - Update dari MV INTAN DAYA 368. Saat ini masih dalam Proses Evakuasi, 2 kali percobaan gagal. Kondisi perairan Rough Sea. Dengan tinggi Gelombang ±3m dan Angin dari Utara.
  • 18.18 LT - Informasi dari INTAN DAYA 368 2 lifecraft telah diselamatkan, semua crew dalam keadaan selamat. Selanjutnya Crew akan dijemput KN SAROTAMA.

Gelombang tinggi hingga tiga meter dan angin kencang dari utara sempat menyulitkan proses evakuasi. Meski begitu, koordinasi tanggap antara VTS Batam, KN Rantos, KN Sarotama, dan MV Intan Daya 368 memastikan keselamatan seluruh kru.

Langkah Selanjutnya:

KN Sarotama kini tengah alongside ke MV Intan Daya 368 untuk menjemput delapan kru MT Silver Sincere. Sementara itu, pihak terkait sedang melakukan pendataan kru yang selamat dan memantau dampak lingkungan akibat kemungkinan tumpahan minyak dari kapal tenggelam tersebut.

Kejadian ini menunjukkan pentingnya koordinasi cepat dan tanggap dari pihak terkait dalam menyelamatkan nyawa dan memitigasi dampak lingkungan yang lebih luas.


Call Center: +62 852-1622-1177 | Email: [email protected]





January 12, 2024The tanker MT Silver Sincere (Callsign: 9MGZ9) sank in the northern waters of Tanjung Berakit at coordinates 01° 17.892' N / 104° 22.841' E. The 739 GT vessel, carrying 113 kiloliters of waste oil, experienced severe issues that ultimately led to its sinking. Thanks to the swift response of relevant authorities, all crew members were successfully rescued.

The ship carried eight crew members, consisting of seven Indonesian nationals and one foreign national from Myanmar. The incident began at 3:18 PM local time when MT Silver Sincere reported a blackout and a leak in the port-side ballast tank, causing the ship to list 15° to the left.

Incident Timeline:

  • 3:18 PM (LT): MT Silver Sincere reported to VTS Batam that the ship had experienced a blackout and a leak in the port-side ballast tank, listing 15° to the left. The ship urgently required assistance.
  • 3:25 PM (LT): VTS Batam contacted KN Rantos and KN Sarotama via radio.
  • 3:27 PM (LT): VTS Batam informed LANTAMAL via WhatsApp.
  • 3:30 PM (LT): VTS Batam contacted KN Tanjung Datu. MT Silver Sincere updated VTS Batam, reporting a 25° list, eight crew members onboard, and its route from Port Klang to EOPL.
  • 3:34 PM (LT): PLP Tanjung Uban (KN Rantos) contacted VTS Batam via radio for confirmation.
  • 3:56 PM (LT): MT Silver Sincere reported that the ship might sink within 30 minutes. A MAYDAY signal was broadcast, and VTS Batam requested MV Intan Daya 368 to assist in evacuation and prepared a MAYDAY RELAY.
  • 4:15 PM (LT): KN Rantos from PLP Tanjung Uban headed to the location.
  • 4:30 PM (LT): VTS Batam broadcast an NTM MAYDAY RELAY.
  • 4:41 PM (LT): MV Intan Daya 368 reported that the ship was listing severely and a lifecraft was spotted at the stern.
  • 4:56 PM (LT): VTS Batam issued another NTM MAYDAY RELAY.
  • 5:01 PM (LT): The last AIS position of MT Silver Sincere was recorded at 01° 17.892' N / 104° 22.841' E before sinking.
  • 5:06 PM (LT): MV Intan Daya 368 reported that MT Silver Sincere had sunk, with 20% of the ship above water and 80% submerged. All crew members were in lifecrafts and being evacuated by MV Intan Daya 368. Oil pollution was indicated.
  • 5:46 PM (LT): KN Rantos returned to Batu Ampar due to adverse weather conditions. KN Sarotama took over the evacuation from Tanjung Uban.
  • 5:52 PM (LT): MV Intan Daya 368 updated that two evacuation attempts had failed due to rough seas with 3-meter waves and strong northern winds.
  • 6:18 PM (LT): MV Intan Daya 368 confirmed the successful rescue of two lifecrafts. All crew members were safe and would be picked up by KN Sarotama.

Challenges and Coordination:

High waves reaching three meters and strong northern winds initially hampered the evacuation process. Nevertheless, effective coordination among VTS Batam, KN Rantos, KN Sarotama, and MV Intan Daya 368 ensured the safety of all crew members.

Next Steps:

KN Sarotama is currently alongside MV Intan Daya 368 to pick up the eight crew members of MT Silver Sincere. Meanwhile, relevant authorities are conducting data collection on the rescued crew and monitoring potential environmental impacts from the possible oil spill caused by the sunken ship.

This incident underscores the importance of rapid and coordinated action by all relevant parties in saving lives and mitigating broader environmental damage.


Call Center: +62 852-1622-1177 | Email: [email protected]

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