Belawan, 19 Juli 2024 – Pada Kamis, 19 Juli 2024, pukul 10.12 WIB, operator VTS menerima informasi dari kapal MT. Pancaran Infinity dengan call sign YDPH2 melalui saluran VHF 16/12/14 bahwa telah ditemukan satu jenazah di buritan kapal yang sedang berlabuh di zona 12. Menanggapi laporan tersebut, operator VTS segera berkoordinasi dengan KPLP dan Basarnas untuk langkah evakuasi.
Pada pukul 10.25 WIB, Basarnas mengonfirmasi melalui pesan WhatsApp bahwa jenazah telah dievakuasi oleh kapal nelayan dan sementara ini kapal nelayan tersebut ditambatkan di buoy No.9 di alur pelabuhan. Namun, evakuasi ke dermaga belum dapat dilakukan akibat ombak yang tinggi. Basarnas juga menyampaikan bahwa proses evakuasi selanjutnya akan dilakukan oleh personel Basarnas dan Polair.
Operator VTS terus memantau jalannya proses evakuasi melalui radio VHF di saluran 16/12. Pada pukul 14.32 LT, Basarnas memberikan keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai kronologi kejadian beserta dokumentasi terkait. Kapal MT. Pancaran Infinity memiliki call sign YDPH2, MMSI 525301714, berjenis tanker dengan bendera Indonesia dan gross tonnage 8.627, serta sedang berlabuh di zona 12.
Korban bernama Ansari, 57 tahun, seorang nelayan asal Dusun III, Desa Bagan Serdang, Kecamatan Pantai Labu, Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Pada Selasa, 17 September 2024, pukul 07.00 WIB, korban berangkat melaut untuk menangkap ikan di perairan muara Kuala Bagan Serdang. Diperkirakan, korban sempat menjaring udang sebelum insiden terjadi. Sekitar pukul 15.00 WIB, korban diduga tenggelam bersama kapalnya setelah dihantam ombak besar saat pasang laut terjadi.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
Belawan, 19 July 2024 – On Thursday, 19 July 2024, at 10:12 WIB, the VTS operator received information from the MT. Pancaran Infinity with call sign YDPH2 via VHF channels 16/12/14, reporting that a body had been found at the stern of the vessel, which was anchored in zone 12. In response, the VTS operator immediately coordinated with KPLP and Basarnas to arrange for the evacuation.
At 10:25 WIB, Basarnas confirmed via WhatsApp that the body had been evacuated by a fishing vessel, which was temporarily moored at buoy No.9 in the port channel. However, the evacuation to the dock could not proceed due to high waves. Basarnas also stated that the next phase of the evacuation would be carried out by Basarnas personnel and Polair.
The VTS operator continued to monitor the evacuation process via VHF radio channels 16/12. At 14:32 LT, Basarnas provided further details on the chronology of events, along with related documentation. The MT. Pancaran Infinity has call sign YDPH2, MMSI 525301714, is a tanker flying the Indonesian flag with a gross tonnage of 8,627, and was anchored in zone 12.
The victim, identified as Ansari, 57 years old, was a fisherman from Dusun III, Bagan Serdang Village, Pantai Labu Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency. On Tuesday, 17 September 2024, at 07:00 WIB, the victim went out to sea to fish in the Kuala Bagan Serdang estuary waters. It is believed that the victim had been shrimp fishing before the incident occurred. At around 15:00 WIB, the victim is suspected to have drowned along with his boat after being struck by large waves during the tidal surge.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]