Kamis, 19 September 2024

Tongkang Ados 2 Terbalik Dan Muatanya Tumpah Ke Laut Akibat Cuaca Buruk // Barge Ados 2 Capsizes And Its Cargo Spills Into The Sea Due To Bad Weather

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Bontang, 18 September 2024 – Sebuah insiden terjadi di perairan saat TB. Lisan No. 9 yang menarik tongkang Ados 2 mengalami musibah. Tongkang tersebut terbalik akibat cuaca buruk dan gelombang besar, yang disertai dengan angin kencang selama pelayaran dari Palu menuju Bontang.

Kronologi kejadian dimulai pada hari Sabtu, 14 September 2024, pukul 04.00 WITA, ketika TB. Lisan No. 9 bersama tongkang Ados 2 berangkat dari Palu. Pada saat keberangkatan, cuaca dan kondisi kapal dilaporkan aman dan terkendali.

Namun, situasi berubah drastis pada Minggu, 15 September 2024, sekitar pukul 16.45 WITA. Saat TB. Lisan No. 9 dan tongkang Ados 2 berada di posisi 00°21.058' S dan 118°52.923' E, cuaca buruk mulai melanda. Gelombang besar disertai angin kencang membuat tongkang Ados 2 miring ke arah kiri. Kondisi ini semakin mengkhawatirkan seiring berjalannya waktu.

Keesokan harinya, Senin, 16 September 2024, sekitar pukul 08.30 WITA, tongkang Ados 2 yang berada di posisi 00°17.779' S dan 118°46.595' E mengalami kemiringan yang semakin parah setelah dihantam oleh ombak besar. Cuaca yang semakin tidak bersahabat membuat kondisi tongkang menjadi kritis.

Akhirnya, pada hari Selasa, 17 September 2024, sekitar pukul 01.00 WITA, tongkang Ados 2 terbalik di posisi 00°14.368' S dan 118°33.552' E. Semua muatan batu split yang dibawa oleh tongkang tersebut tumpah ke laut, menyebabkan kerugian besar.

Saat ini, pihak berwenang tengah melakukan investigasi lebih lanjut terkait kejadian tersebut, dan upaya untuk mengevakuasi muatan yang tumpah masih berlangsung. Cuaca yang tidak menentu dan gelombang laut yang tinggi menjadi faktor utama dalam insiden ini. Basarnas, KSOP, dan pihak terkait lainnya telah dikerahkan untuk mengantisipasi dampak lebih lanjut dari peristiwa ini.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



Bontang, 18 September 2024 – An incident occurred at sea when tugboat TB. Lisan No. 9, towing barge Ados 2, faced disaster. The barge capsized due to bad weather and large waves, accompanied by strong winds, during its voyage from Palu to Bontang.

The chronology of the event began on Saturday, 14 September 2024, at 04:00 WITA, when TB. Lisan No. 9 and barge Ados 2 departed from Palu. At the time of departure, the weather and vessel conditions were reported to be safe and under control.

However, the situation changed drastically on Sunday, 15 September 2024, at around 16:45 WITA. When TB. Lisan No. 9 and barge Ados 2 were located at coordinates 00°21.058' S and 118°52.923' E, bad weather struck. Large waves, accompanied by strong winds, caused the barge to tilt to the left, and the situation grew increasingly alarming as time passed.

The following day, Monday, 16 September 2024, at around 08:30 WITA, barge Ados 2, located at coordinates 00°17.779' S and 118°46.595' E, experienced even more severe tilting after being hit by massive waves. The worsening weather conditions made the barge's situation critical.

Finally, on Tuesday, 17 September 2024, at around 01:00 WITA, barge Ados 2 capsized at coordinates 00°14.368' S and 118°33.552' E. All of its cargo, consisting of crushed stone, spilled into the sea, resulting in significant losses.

Authorities are currently conducting a thorough investigation into the incident, and efforts to recover the spilled cargo are still ongoing. Unstable weather and high waves have been identified as the primary factors in the accident. Basarnas, the Harbor Master’s Office (KSOP), and other relevant agencies have been deployed to mitigate the further impact of the event.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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