Selasa, 17 September 2024

Medical Evacuation Nelayan Indonesia Yang Diselamatkan Oleh Kapal Tanker MT TORM GLORIA Di Perairan Selat Malaka// Medical Evacuation Of Indonesian Fishermen Rescued By The MT TORM GLORIA Tanker In The Waters Of The Malacca Strait

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Medan, 17 September 2024 – Sebuah operasi penyelamatan dramatis berhasil dilakukan oleh kapal MT. Torm Gloria di perairan Selat Malaka pada 17 September 2024. Tiga nelayan Indonesia, yang telah mengapung di laut selama lebih dari 12 jam setelah kapal mereka tenggelam, berhasil diselamatkan dalam kondisi lemah namun selamat.

Sekitar pukul 15.00 LT, awak kapal MT. Torm Gloria mendeteksi sebuah objek kuning yang mengapung di lautan pada posisi 04°46' N, 098°36' E. Setelah diperiksa menggunakan teropong, ditemukan tiga orang pria yang sedang berpegangan pada benda apung tersebut. Kapal segera melakukan manuver penyelamatan dengan melakukan Williamson Turn untuk kembali ke lokasi dan menyelamatkan para korban.

Pukul 15.03, pesan PAN disiarkan ke kapal-kapal di sekitar lokasi kejadian, dan kapal mulai bergerak untuk mendekati korban di air. Pada pukul 16.00, ketiga nelayan yang terdampar berhasil diselamatkan dan dinaikkan ke kapal. Pertolongan pertama segera diberikan untuk menghangatkan tubuh mereka yang kedinginan, serta menyediakan makanan dan air untuk mengembalikan kondisi mereka.

Tiga nelayan yang diselamatkan adalah Hamdani, M. Ali Husman, dan A Jimi. Menurut pengakuan mereka, kapal penangkap ikan mereka yang bernama "Jaring Koli Dari Hace" tenggelam setelah dihantam cuaca buruk. Dari total enam orang yang berada di kapal, tiga di antaranya meninggal dunia dan tenggelam bersama kapal. Mereka mengatakan telah mengapung di laut selama lebih dari 12 jam sebelum akhirnya ditemukan.

Kondisi ketiga nelayan masih lemah namun membaik setelah mendapatkan perawatan di atas kapal. Meskipun terdapat hambatan komunikasi karena keterbatasan bahasa, mereka terlihat sangat bersyukur dan bahagia setelah berhasil diselamatkan.

Kapal Rb 203 Medan direncanakan bergerak pada pukul 22.00 WIB untuk melaksanakan evakuasi medis (Medivac) terhadap para nelayan yang berhasil diselamatkan. Lokasi penjemputan ditetapkan di koordinat 04°01'10"N, 098°47'18"E. Seluruh pihak yang terlibat diharapkan berkumpul di Dermaga Bandar Deli untuk bersama-sama menuju lokasi penjemputan.

Tim SAR Pekanbaru telah dihubungi terkait insiden ini, dan operasi evakuasi terus berlangsung dengan melibatkan berbagai pihak. Sementara itu, salah satu peralatan penyelamat kapal, berupa pelampung dengan nama "TORM GLORIA / SINGAPORE," hilang selama proses penyelamatan.

Unsur Terlibat:

  • MT. Torm Gloria
  • SAR Pekanbaru
  • Kapal Rb 203 Medan
  • Otoritas terkait di Medan dan Sumatera.

Operasi penyelamatan ini menjadi pengingat pentingnya kesiagaan dan kerjasama berbagai pihak dalam menangani situasi darurat di lautan yang kerap penuh risiko.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



Medan, September 17, 2024 – A dramatic rescue operation was successfully carried out by the MT. Torm Gloria in the waters of the Malacca Strait on September 17, 2024. Three Indonesian fishermen, who had been adrift at sea for more than 12 hours after their boat sank, were rescued in a weak but safe condition.

At around 15:00 LT, the crew of the MT. Torm Gloria detected a yellow object floating in the sea at coordinates 04°46' N, 098°36' E. Upon inspection with binoculars, three men were found clinging to the floating object. The ship immediately executed a rescue maneuver by performing a Williamson Turn to return to the location and rescue the victims.

At 15:03, a PAN message was broadcast to nearby ships, and the vessel began moving closer to the victims in the water. By 16:00, the three stranded fishermen were successfully rescued and brought aboard. First aid was promptly provided to warm their cold bodies, along with food and water to restore their strength.

The three rescued fishermen were identified as Hamdani, M. Ali Husman, and A Jimi. According to their account, their fishing boat, named "Jaring Koli Dari Hace," sank after being struck by severe weather. Of the six people on board, three perished and went down with the ship. The survivors reported that they had been floating at sea for more than 12 hours before being found.

The condition of the three fishermen remained weak but improved after receiving treatment on board. Despite communication challenges due to language barriers, they expressed immense gratitude and joy for being saved.

The Rb 203 Medan vessel is scheduled to depart at 22:00 WIB to conduct a medical evacuation (Medivac) for the rescued fishermen. The pick-up location is set at coordinates 04°01'10"N, 098°47'18"E. All parties involved are expected to gather at the Bandar Deli Pier to head together to the pick-up location.

The Pekanbaru SAR team has been contacted regarding this incident, and the evacuation operation continues with the involvement of various parties. Meanwhile, one of the ship's rescue devices, a life buoy marked "TORM GLORIA / SINGAPORE," was lost during the rescue process.

Involved Units:

  • MT. Torm Gloria
  • Pekanbaru SAR
  • Rb 203 Medan Vessel
  • Relevant Authorities in Medan and Sumatra.

This rescue operation serves as a reminder of the importance of preparedness and cooperation among various parties in handling emergency situations at sea, which are often fraught with danger.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



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