Selat Singapura – Senin 16 September 2024 pukul 23:48 waktu setempat (LT), kapal supply Permata Ratu dengan nomor registrasi 9M3219, yang sedang melakukan operasi towing RIG Topas Driller, mengalami insiden saat melintasi jalur lalu lintas kapal atau Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) di arah barat Selat Singapura. Dalam upaya menghindari tabrakan dengan kapal besar yang melintas di TSS, Permata Ratu terpaksa mendekati buoy Batu Berhenti. Meski kapal berhasil menghindari buoy, tali towing yang menghubungkan rig dengan kapal menabrak buoy tersebut.
Kronologi Insiden: Menurut informasi yang diterima, kapal Permata Ratu dalam perjalanannya menuju Kotabaru terpaksa bermanuver karena adanya kapal besar yang melintas di jalur TSS. Meskipun kapal tidak melewati jalur Dead Weight (DW), posisi kapal terlalu dekat dengan buoy Batu Berhenti. Kapten kapal segera melakukan manuver untuk menjauh dari buoy, namun arus yang kuat menyebabkan rig terseret dan menghantam buoy.
Buoy Terseret Kapal Setelah insiden, buoy Batu Berhenti sempat terseret oleh kapal Permata Ratu hingga sekitar pukul 00:27 LT. Tim pelayaran melaporkan bahwa buoy masih terbawa oleh rig hingga waktu tersebut. Akhirnya, pada pukul 01:12 LT, buoy berhasil terlepas dari kapal dan rig.
Posisi Terakhir Buoy Buoy yang tertabrak masih dalam kondisi mengapung dan menyala di posisi 01° 12.884'N, 103° 57.304'E. Informasi terbaru mengenai posisi buoy ini juga dikonfirmasi oleh kapal MV. SUNLY 10 dan MV. MACAU STAR pada pukul 03:26 LT.
Langkah Selanjutnya Tim pelayaran telah mengeluarkan Notice to Mariners (NTM) sementara untuk memperingatkan pergeseran posisi buoy Batu Berhenti. Saat ini, kapal Permata Ratu telah kembali ke jalur TSS dan situasi dipantau secara ketat untuk memastikan keselamatan navigasi.
Insiden ini kembali menegaskan pentingnya kewaspadaan dalam operasi pelayaran, terutama di jalur yang padat seperti TSS Selat Singapura.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
Singapore Strait – At 23:48 local time (LT), the supply vessel Permata Ratu, with registration number 9M3219, experienced an incident while towing the Topas Driller RIG as it passed through the western Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) in the Singapore Strait. In an attempt to avoid a collision with a large vessel transiting the TSS, Permata Ratu was forced to approach the Batu Berhenti Buoy. Although the vessel managed to avoid the buoy, the towing cable connecting the rig to the ship struck the buoy.
Incident Chronology:
According to reports, Permata Ratu, which was en route to Kotabaru, had to maneuver to avoid a large vessel crossing the TSS. Although the ship did not enter the Dead Weight (DW) lane, its proximity to the Batu Berhenti Buoy became too close. The captain immediately took action to steer away from the buoy, but strong currents caused the rig to drift and collide with the buoy.
Buoy Dragged by the Ship
Following the collision, the Batu Berhenti Buoy was temporarily dragged by the Permata Ratu until around 00:27 LT. The crew reported that the buoy remained attached to the rig during that time. Finally, at 01:12 LT, the buoy detached from both the vessel and the rig.
Buoy's Final Position
The buoy that was struck is still afloat and illuminated at coordinates 01° 12.884'N, 103° 57.304'E. The latest update on the buoy’s position was confirmed by the vessels MV. SUNLY 10 and MV. MACAU STAR at 03:26 LT.
Next Steps
A temporary Notice to Mariners (NTM) has been issued to warn of the shifted position of the Batu Berhenti Buoy. Currently, the Permata Ratu has returned to the TSS route, and the situation is being closely monitored to ensure navigational safety.
This incident underscores the importance of vigilance during maritime operations, especially in high-traffic areas such as the TSS in the Singapore Strait.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]