Rabu, 11 September 2024

KM SANGAJI Kandas Di Perairan Pulau Pari, 26 Penumpang Selamat Di Evakuasi / KM SANGAJI Grounds In Pulau Pari Waters, 26 Passengers Successfully Evacuated

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Pelabuhan Asal: Muara Angke
Pelabuhan Tujuan: Pulau Pari, Pulau Panggang
Tanggal: Senin, 9 September 2024
Waktu Kejadian: 11.42 LT

Pada Senin, 9 September 2024, kapal KM SANGAJI mengalami kandas di perairan Pulau Pari akibat kondisi cuaca buruk, termasuk hujan lebat dan gelombang tinggi. Kejadian ini dilaporkan kepada VTS Tanjung Priok oleh KSOP Kepulauan Seribu pada pukul 11.42 LT.

Pada pukul 11.53 LT, VTS Tanjung Priok mencoba memonitor kapal tersebut, namun tidak mendapatkan data AIS dari KM SANGAJI. Usaha komunikasi melalui saluran radio Ch 16 juga tidak membuahkan hasil.

Kemudian, pada pukul 11.58 LT, informasi lebih lanjut diterima dari KSOP Kepulauan Seribu yang mengonfirmasi bahwa KM SANGAJI kandas pada posisi Lintang: 05°51.208" S, Bujur: 106°38.252" E.

Proses evakuasi penumpang dimulai, dan pada pukul 12.07 LT, VTS Tanjung Priok menerima laporan bahwa seluruh 26 penumpang telah berhasil dievakuasi dalam keadaan sehat. Penumpang kemudian diantar ke tujuan masing-masing menggunakan kapal KM PAUS.

Pada pukul 12.34 LT, VTS Tanjung Priok menerima informasi terbaru dari KSOP Kepulauan Seribu yang menyatakan bahwa KM SANGAJI masih dalam keadaan kandas pada posisi awal. Penanganan kapal akan dilakukan saat air laut pasang.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



Port of Origin: Muara Angke
Destination Port: Pulau Pari, Pulau Panggang
Date: Monday, September 9, 2024
Time of Incident: 11:42 LT

On Monday, September 9, 2024, the vessel KM SANGAJI ran aground in the waters off Pulau Pari due to adverse weather conditions, including heavy rain and high waves. The incident was reported to VTS Tanjung Priok by KSOP Kepulauan Seribu at 11:42 LT.

At 11:53 LT, VTS Tanjung Priok attempted to monitor the vessel but did not receive AIS data from KM SANGAJI. Efforts to communicate via radio channel Ch 16 also proved unsuccessful.

Subsequently, at 11:58 LT, further information was received from KSOP Kepulauan Seribu confirming that KM SANGAJI was aground at the coordinates Latitude: 05°51.208" S, Longitude: 106°38.252" E.

The evacuation process began, and by 12:07 LT, VTS Tanjung Priok received a report that all 26 passengers had been successfully evacuated and were in good health. The passengers were then transported to their respective destinations by the vessel KM PAUS.

At 12:34 LT, VTS Tanjung Priok received an update from KSOP Kepulauan Seribu indicating that KM SANGAJI remained aground at its original position. The vessel will be attended to when the tide is higher.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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