Rabu, 11 September 2024

Kapal KM FUYO 18 Menabrak Kerangka Alat Berat Di Alur Pelayaran Muara Pegah, Kapal Alami Keobocoran / KM FUYO 18 Collides With Heavy Equipment Wreckage In Muara Pegah Shipping Lane, Vessel Suffers Leak

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Selasa, 10 September 2024 - KM FUYO 18, sebuah kapal yang sedang bergerak menuju Kota Baru dengan muatan kosong, mengalami insiden di alur pelayaran antara buoy 3 dan 5, Muara Pegah. Sekitar pukul 18.30 WITA, kapal tersebut bersentuhan dengan kerangka alat berat yang berada di area tersebut. Akibat kejadian tersebut, kapal mengalami kebocoran di ruang mesin, yang mengakibatkan black out total pada mesin induk dan mesin pendukung kapal.

Berdasarkan informasi dari VTS (Vessel Traffic Service), insiden tersebut terjadi dalam kondisi angin kencang yang menyebabkan kapal hanyut mendekati buoy yang padam. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan, ditemukan kebocoran di ruang mesin yang menyebabkan kondisi mesin induk dan mesin bantu mati total atau blackout.

Beruntung, seluruh awak kapal, termasuk nahkoda dan pandu, berhasil dievakuasi ke kapal pandu yang berada di dekat lokasi kejadian. Semua kru dinyatakan dalam kondisi baik tanpa adanya korban jiwa. Posisi kapal FUYO 18 juga tidak mengganggu alur pelayaran, sehingga jalur tersebut tetap aman dilalui oleh kapal-kapal lain.

Kejadian ini telah dilaporkan dan terus dipantau oleh pihak terkait melalui VTS Samarinda, serta dilakukan broadcast (NTM) kepada kapal-kapal yang melintas di area tersebut untuk kewaspadaan lebih lanjut. Pihak KSOP Samarinda melakukan koordinasi kepada agen, memberi tanda pada kapal yg mengalami musibah, lakukan komunikasi dgn pemilik kapal LCT Karya Fortune segera aksi untuk mengangkat alat tersebut.

Sebelum insiden, kapal FUYO 18 bergerak keluar dari jetty ITP Palaran Samarinda dengan bantuan tugboat BNR 06. Namun, setelah melepas tugboat dan mengurangi kecepatan hingga 4,5 knot, kapal bersentuhan dengan kerangka di alur tersebut yang pada saat itu buoy penanda dalam kondisi padam.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - KM FUYO 18, a vessel en route to Kota Baru with no cargo, experienced an incident in the shipping lane between buoy 3 and 5, Muara Pegah. At approximately 18:30 WITA, the ship made contact with the remains of heavy equipment located in the area. As a result, the vessel suffered a breach in the engine room, leading to a total blackout of the main engine and auxiliary systems.

According to information from VTS (Vessel Traffic Service), the incident occurred during strong winds, which caused the ship to drift towards an unlit buoy. Upon inspection, a leak in the engine room was discovered, which led to the complete shutdown of both the main and auxiliary engines.

Fortunately, all crew members, including the captain and pilot, were safely evacuated to a pilot boat near the incident site. All crew members were reported to be in good condition with no casualties. The position of KM FUYO 18 did not obstruct the shipping lane, ensuring that the route remained safe for other passing vessels.

The incident has been reported and is being continuously monitored by the relevant authorities through VTS Samarinda. A broadcast (NTM) has also been issued to ships passing through the area for further caution. The KSOP Samarinda has coordinated with the ship’s agent to mark the distressed vessel, communicated with the owner of the LCT Karya Fortune to take immediate action in removing the equipment.

Before the incident, KM FUYO 18 departed from the ITP Palaran Samarinda jetty with the assistance of tugboat BNR 06. However, after the tugboat was released and the ship reduced speed to 4.5 knots, it made contact with the remains in the lane, with the buoy markers in the area unlit at the time.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]

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