Jakarta, 9 September 2024 – Sebuah kebakaran hebat melanda Dermaga Jetty di Pelabuhan Muara Baru pada Senin malam, 9 September 2024. Dua kapal, yaitu Sampurna Jaya Union dan Starindo Jaya V, dilaporkan terbakar sekitar pukul 20.00 WIB. Hingga berita ini diturunkan, penyebab pasti kebakaran masih dalam konfirmasi pihak berwenang.
Kapal Sampurna Jaya Union dengan bobot 98 GT, milik Roby, dan kapal Starindo Jaya V dengan bobot 174 GT, milik perusahaan Starindo Jaya Maju, mengalami kerusakan parah. Kerugian material dari insiden ini masih belum dapat diperkirakan, sementara tim penyelidik masih melakukan pencarian korban jiwa. Meski belum ada korban luka, pencarian korban jiwa masih terus dilakukan di sekitar lokasi kebakaran.
Petugas gabungan dari Pemadam Kebakaran KM Mina Antasena milik PPS Nizam Zachman Jakarta dan tiga unit Damkar Wilker Muara Baru bergerak cepat ke lokasi kejadian. Dengan respons cepat, api berhasil dipadamkan setelah upaya pemadaman yang berlangsung hingga larut malam. Selain itu, Syahbandar PPS Nizam Zachman, tim dari Polres Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, serta personel dari Polsek Kawasan Muara Baru juga turut membantu pengamanan dan evakuasi di lokasi.
Meski situasi di Pelabuhan Muara Baru telah terkendali, investigasi terkait penyebab kebakaran masih terus berlanjut. Otoritas pelabuhan dan tim kepolisian setempat akan memberikan keterangan lebih lanjut setelah hasil penyelidikan selesai.
Kami akan terus memantau perkembangan lebih lanjut mengenai kejadian ini.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
Jakarta, September 9, 2024 – A severe fire broke out at the Jetty Dock of Muara Baru Port on Monday night, September 9, 2024. Two vessels, Sampurna Jaya Union and Starindo Jaya V, were reported to have caught fire at around 8:00 PM WIB. As of this report, the exact cause of the fire is still under investigation by authorities.
The Sampurna Jaya Union ship, weighing 98 GT and owned by Roby, along with the Starindo Jaya V ship, weighing 174 GT and owned by Starindo Jaya Maju, suffered significant damage. While the material losses from the incident have yet to be estimated, investigative teams are still searching for possible casualties. Although no injuries have been reported, the search for possible victims continues around the site of the fire.
A joint team from the KM Mina Antasena Firefighting Unit, owned by PPS Nizam Zachman Jakarta, along with three fire trucks from Muara Baru’s Fire Department, responded swiftly to the scene. Thanks to their rapid efforts, the fire was successfully extinguished after a lengthy operation that lasted late into the night. Additionally, officers from PPS Nizam Zachman’s Harbor Master, the Tanjung Priok Port Police, and Muara Baru Sector Police provided security and assisted with evacuation efforts at the site.
While the situation at Muara Baru Port is now under control, investigations into the cause of the fire are ongoing. Port authorities and local police will provide further updates once the investigation is concluded.
We will continue to monitor and provide updates on this incident.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]