Minggu, 1 September 2024

Penemuan Jenazah Di Kepulauan Tanimbar, Dinyatakan Sebagai Kasus 'Man Over Board' / Discovery Of A Body In The Tanimbar Islands, Declared As A 'Man Over Board' Case

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Minggu, 1 September 2024 - Jenazah seorang pria ditemukan di Desa Wadankou Molu Larat Kabupaten Kepulauan Tanimbar sekitar Pukul 12.15 WIT. Setelah dikonfirmasi jenezah tersebut adalah pria atas nama Hardiman 43 Tahun. Pria tersebut dilaporkan hilang saat terjadi insiden "Man Over Board" (MOB) saat mencari cumi di Perairan Dobo, Kepulauan Aru. Sesuai dengan surat dari Badan Nasional Pencarian Dan Pertolongan Kantor Pencarian Dan Pertolongan Ambon nomor 366/SAR-301/0824 tanggal 23 Agustus 2024 serta berita broadcast dari SROP Saumlaki dan SROP Tual untuk kapal-kapal yang melintas. Korban terakhir terlihat mengenakan jaket berwarna biru navy dengan tulisan berwarna kuning di bagian depan sebelum insiden tersebut terjadi. Jenazahnya ditemukan oleh warga dan petugas gabungan, pihak berwenang telah memastikan identitas korban dan mengonfirmasi bahwa jenazah yang ditemukan adalah Hardiman. Saat ini, investigasi lebih lanjut sedang dilakukan untuk mengetahui detail lengkap dari kejadian tersebut. Dengan ditemukannya jenazah ini, pencarian resmi dinyatakan selesai. Terima kasih atas dukungan dan kerja sama dari semua pihak yang terlibat dalam pencarian ini.   



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



Sunday, September 1, 2024 - The body of a man was discovered in Wadankou Molu Larat Village, Tanimbar Islands Regency, at around 12:15 PM local time. After confirmation, the body was identified as Hardiman, a 43-year-old man. He had been reported missing following a "Man Over Board" (MOB) incident while searching for squid in the waters of Dobo, Aru Islands. According to a letter from the National Search and Rescue Agency, Ambon Search and Rescue Office number 366/SAR-301/0824 date 23 August 2024, and broadcast messages from SROP Saumlaki and SROP Tual to passing vessels, Hardiman was last seen wearing a navy blue jacket with yellow lettering on the front before the incident occurred. The body was found by local residents and a joint task force. Authorities have confirmed the identity of the deceased and verified that the body found was indeed Hardiman. A further investigation is underway to determine the full details of the incident. With the discovery of the body, the search has officially been concluded. We extend our gratitude for the support and cooperation of all parties involved in the search.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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