Ujung Kulon, 6 Desember 2024 – Kapal Motor (KM) Felya dengan GT 6306 dan Call Sign YEEU mengalami insiden kandas di perairan Ujung Kulon akibat cuaca ekstrem yang melanda wilayah tersebut. Insiden bermula pada 1 Desember 2024 saat kapal berlabuh di posisi 06°50.9525’S - 105°22.944’E dengan kedalaman 30 meter, menunggu tugboat untuk menarik kapal ke Pelabuhan Merak guna perbaikan kebocoran pada as propeller.
Namun, angin barat kencang dengan kekuatan 35-40 knot menyebabkan kapal mengalami pitching. Pada pukul 19.00 WIB, nakhoda mendapati kapal mulai hanyut berdasarkan pengamatan radar dan GPS. Segera, seluruh kru dikerahkan untuk melego jangkar kanan agar kapal berhenti hanyut.
Kandas Setelah Cuaca Ekstrem
Pada 4 Desember 2024, cuaca semakin memburuk dengan angin barat mencapai kecepatan tinggi dan ombak setinggi 3-4 meter. Kapal kembali hanyut dan akhirnya kandas di posisi 06°51.460’S - 105°30.230’E pada pukul 16.00 WIB. Menyadari bahaya yang mengancam keselamatan, nakhoda memerintahkan seluruh kru untuk bersiap meninggalkan kapal (abandon ship).
Seluruh kru menghadapi kondisi sulit selama dua hari karena kekurangan pasokan makanan. Meskipun suplai telah disiapkan oleh perusahaan, kapal penyuplai tidak dapat mendekat akibat cuaca buruk dengan ombak setinggi 4-5 meter.
Evakuasi Dramatis
Pada 4 Desember pukul 16.30 WIB, evakuasi dimulai. Kru menggunakan life jacket dan pelampung, lalu meninggalkan kapal dengan bantuan tali tambang yang diikatkan ke darat. Nelayan setempat turut membantu proses evakuasi yang berlangsung dramatis. Seluruh kru berhasil dievakuasi dengan selamat ke darat pada pukul 18.00 WIB.
Penanganan Lanjutan
Pada 6 Desember 2024 pukul 20.00 WIB, tim evakuasi dari Pangkalan PLP Kelas I Tanjung Priok dan KUPP Kelas III Labuhan tiba di lokasi. Mereka disambut oleh Kepala Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon, Ketua RT 03 RW 01 Kampung Cegok Desa Rancapinang, serta nakhoda KM Felya. Dari 18 kru kapal, seluruhnya dinyatakan sehat, kecuali seorang masinis yang membutuhkan penanganan medis lebih lanjut dan dibawa ke RSUD Serang setelah dirawat di klinik setempat.
Insiden ini menjadi peringatan akan pentingnya keselamatan pelayaran, terutama di tengah cuaca ekstrem. Semua pihak berharap kapal dapat segera ditangani tanpa dampak lingkungan yang signifikan di kawasan pantai hutan lindung Ujung Kulon.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: msi@kemenhub.go.id
English Version
Ujung Kulon, December 6, 2024 – The Motor Vessel (MV) Felya, with a Gross Tonnage of 6306 and Call Sign YEEU, ran aground in the waters of Ujung Kulon due to extreme weather conditions in the area. The incident began on December 1, 2024, when the vessel anchored at position 06°50.9525'S - 105°22.944'E at a depth of 30 meters, waiting for a tugboat to tow it to Merak Port for repairs on a leaking propeller shaft.
However, strong westerly winds with speeds of 35-40 knots caused the vessel to pitch. At 7:00 PM local time, the captain discovered that the vessel was drifting, based on radar and GPS observations. Immediate action was taken as the crew was deployed to drop the starboard anchor to stop the drift.
Grounded After Extreme Weather
On December 4, 2024, the weather worsened further, with westerly winds reaching higher speeds and waves rising to 3-4 meters. The vessel drifted again and ultimately ran aground at position 06°51.460'S - 105°30.230'E at 4:00 PM local time. Realizing the imminent danger, the captain ordered all crew to prepare for an "abandon ship" procedure to ensure their safety.
The crew endured difficult conditions for two days due to a shortage of food supplies. Although the company had arranged provisions, the supply vessel could not approach due to rough seas with waves reaching 4-5 meters.
Dramatic Evacuation
At 4:30 PM local time on December 4, evacuation efforts began. The crew donned life jackets and flotation devices before leaving the ship using ropes secured to the shore. Local fishermen played a significant role in assisting with the dramatic evacuation. By 6:00 PM, all crew members had been safely evacuated to the shore.
Follow-Up Measures
On December 6, 2024, at 8:00 PM, a rescue team from Pangkalan PLP Class I Tanjung Priok and KUPP Class III Labuhan arrived at the location. They were greeted by the Head of Ujung Kulon National Park, the Head of RT 03 RW 01 Kampung Cegok, Rancapinang Village, and the captain of MV Felya. Of the 18 crew members, all were declared healthy except for one engineer who required further medical attention and was transported to RSUD Serang after initial treatment at a local clinic.
This incident highlights the importance of maritime safety, particularly during extreme weather conditions. Authorities hope the vessel will be handled promptly without causing significant environmental damage to the protected coastline of Ujung Kulon.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: msi@kemenhub.go.id