Selatpanjang, 29 Juli 2024 - Pada hari Senin, 29 Juli 2024 sekitar pukul 16.00 WIB, terjadi kebakaran di kapal KM Lintas Bahari 28 GT 1561 yang sedang lego jangkar di perairan Selat Air Hitam-Selatpanjang.
Waktu dan Tempat:
- Hari/Tanggal: Senin, 29 Juli 2024
- Waktu: Sekitar pukul 16.00 WIB
- Lokasi: Perairan Selat Air Hitam - Selatpanjang
- Koordinat: 1⁰1'6.610" E 102⁰42'28.489"
Kronologis Peristiwa:
Pada pukul 15.45 WIB, kapal KM Lintas Bahari 28 GT 1561 baru saja selesai melakukan aktivitas bongkar muat tepung sagu dengan cara ship to ship. Saat itu, dari atas palka kapal, Sdr. M. Hoirul, yang menjabat sebagai Bosun, melihat adanya api disertai gumpalan asap di haluan kapal, tepatnya di bagian panel listrik. Sdr. M. Hoirul segera menyerukan kepada seluruh kru kapal untuk membantu memadamkan api. Namun, karena panel listrik berdekatan dengan tumpukan sling bag yang terbuat dari serat nilon mudah terbakar, api dengan cepat membesar dan membakar bagian haluan kapal.
Tindakan yang Dilakukan:
Mengetahui adanya kebakaran di kapal KM Lintas Bahari 28 GT 1561, Kasat Polairud IPTU Imbang Perdana segera memerintahkan anggotanya, dengan dibantu satuan terkait, untuk melakukan pengecekan di lokasi kejadian. Setibanya di TKP, tim bergabung untuk membantu memadamkan api. Sekitar pukul 17.00 WIB, api berhasil dipadamkan dan hingga saat ini masih dilakukan pendinginan. Selama kegiatan berlangsung, situasi tetap aman dan terkendali.
Korban Jiwa: Nihil
Sebab Terbakar: Dalam penyelidikan
Sarana dan Prasarana yang Digunakan:
- 2 unit Mini Strike
- 6 unit APAR
Demikian laporan ini disampaikan.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
Selatpanjang, July 29, 2024 - On Monday, July 29, 2024, at approximately 4:00 PM WIB, a fire occurred on the KM Lintas Bahari 28 GT 1561, which was anchored in the waters of Selat Air Hitam-Selatpanjang.
Time and Location:
- Date: Monday, July 29, 2024
- Time: Approximately 4:00 PM WIB
- Location: Selat Air Hitam - Selatpanjang Waters
- Coordinates: 1⁰1'6.610" E 102⁰42'28.489"
Incident Chronology:
At around 3:45 PM WIB, the KM Lintas Bahari 28 GT 1561 had just completed a ship-to-ship cargo transfer of sago flour. At that moment, from the deck of the ship, Mr. M. Hoirul, who serves as the Bosun, noticed flames accompanied by billowing smoke at the bow of the ship, precisely at the electrical panel. Mr. M. Hoirul immediately called on the entire crew to help extinguish the fire. However, due to the proximity of the electrical panel to a pile of sling bags made of easily flammable nylon fibers, the fire quickly grew and engulfed the bow of the ship.
Actions Taken:
Upon learning of the fire on the KM Lintas Bahari 28 GT 1561, Kasat Polairud IPTU Imbang Perdana promptly ordered his members, assisted by related units, to inspect the scene. Upon arrival at the scene, the team joined efforts to extinguish the fire. By around 5:00 PM WIB, the fire was successfully put out, and cooling operations were still ongoing. Throughout the operation, the situation remained safe and under control.
Casualties: None
Cause of Fire: Under investigation
Equipment and Resources Used:
- 2 units of Mini Strike
- 6 units of APAR
This report is submitted as stated.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]