Minggu, 7 Juli 2024

KM Lintas Armada Nusantara Mengalami Kebocoran Di Perairan Pangkal Balam // KM Lintas Armada Nusantara Experiences Leak In Pangkal Balam Waters

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Pada hari Minggu, tanggal 7 Juli 2024, sekitar pukul 03.30 WIB, kapal KM Lintas Armada Nusantara mengalami Kebocoran di perairan Pangkal Balam. Kapal mengalami kebocoran setelah sebelumnya pada hari Sabtu, 6 Juli 2024, memasuki alur Pangkal Balam untuk berlabuh menunggu antrean bongkar muat kapal. Pukul 02.00 WIB, kapal mengalami larat karena arus air surut dan membentur haluan kapal KM Sentosa, yang menyebabkan kemiringan kapal hingga bagian dasar kapal berada di atas air.

Berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh, akibat kecelakaan ini, kapal KM Lintas Armada Nusantara berhasil diselamatkan, dan seluruh awak kapal yang berjumlah 15 orang dilaporkan selamat. Tidak ada penumpang di atas kapal saat kejadian. Namun, muatan kapal berupa pupuk tenggelam, dan barang-barang milik awak kapal hilang. Tidak terdapat pencemaran maupun kerusakan lingkungan akibat kecelakaan ini.

Kapal KM Lintas Armada Nusantara merupakan kapal motor berbendera Indonesia dengan tanda panggil PMCM dan tonase sebesar 740 GT. Kapal ini dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh PT Pelayaran Muliakawan Sejati, dengan nakhoda bernama Bambangsuedi. Kapal berlayar dari pelabuhan asal Tanjung Perak menuju pelabuhan tujuan Pangkal Balam.

Instansi terkait, seperti Kantor KSOP Pangkal Balam, KPLP, SROP Pangkal Balam, Pos AL, Polairud, Polsek Pangkal Balam, dan Basarnas, segera mengecek lokasi kejadian dan melakukan upaya pertolongan. Dugaan sementara penyebab kecelakaan ini adalah faktor alam, yakni terbawa arus air surut. Faktor teknis dan faktor manusia masih dalam penyelidikan lebih lanjut.

Kapal KM Lintas Armada Nusantara selamat dari kecelakaan, namun muatan pupuknya hilang. Upaya penyelamatan dan investigasi penyebab kecelakaan masih terus dilakukan oleh pihak berwenang.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



English Version

On Sunday, July 7, 2024, at approximately 03:30 WIB, the KM Lintas Armada Nusantara vessel experienced a leak in the waters of Pangkal Balam. The ship suffered a leak after it had previously entered the Pangkal Balam channel on Saturday, July 6, 2024, to dock while waiting for the cargo loading and unloading queue. At 02:00 WIB, the ship drifted due to the receding tide and collided with the bow of the KM Sentosa, causing the ship to list until its bottom was above the water.

Based on the information obtained, as a result of this accident, the KM Lintas Armada Nusantara vessel was successfully saved, and all 15 crew members were reported safe. There were no passengers on board at the time of the incident. However, the ship's cargo of fertilizer sank, and the crew's belongings were lost. There was no pollution or environmental damage resulting from this accident.

The KM Lintas Armada Nusantara is a motor vessel flying the Indonesian flag with the call sign PMCM and a gross tonnage of 740 GT. The ship is owned and operated by PT Pelayaran Muliakawan Sejati, with Captain Bambangsuedi. The vessel was sailing from Tanjung Perak port to Pangkal Balam port.

Relevant agencies, such as the Pangkal Balam Port Authority, Indonesian Sea And Coast Guard, Coastal Radio Station Of Pangkal Balam, Navy Post, Polairud, Pangkal Balam Police Station, and Basarnas, immediately checked the location and provided assistance. The preliminary suspected cause of the accident is a natural factor, namely being carried away by the receding tide. Technical and human factors are still under further investigation.

The KM Lintas Armada Nusantara survived the accident, but its cargo of fertilizer was lost. Rescue efforts and the investigation into the cause of the accident are still being carried out by the authorities.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



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