Pada tanggal 12 juni 2024 pukul 19.30 WITA LCT INTAN PUSAKA JAYA 23 berlayar dari Balukung dengan Tujuan Marabahan. Pada Koordinat 02°55'587"S - 114°47'298"E melintas kelotok dari anak sungai memotong jalur LCT INTAN PUSAKA JAYA 23 mengakibatkan kelotok tertabrak dan tenggelam. Korban sempat melompat dari kelotok dan berenang menuju tepi, namun sebelum sampai ke tepi korban kelelahan dan tenggelam. Crew LCT INTAN PUSAKA JAYA 23 sempat memberikan pertolongan dengan cara melempar lifebouy dan berusaha memberikan pertolongan terhadap korban, dikarenakan jarak yang jauh korban tidak sempat tertolong. Kemudian LCT INTAN PUSAKA JAYA 23 melapor ke Ditpolair Polda Kalsel dan diteruskan ke Kantor Pencarian dan Pertolongan Banjarmasin.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
English Version
On June 12, 2024, at 19:30 WITA, the LCT INTAN PUSAKA JAYA 23 set sail from Balukung, heading towards Marabahan. At coordinates 02°55'587"S - 114°47'298"E, a kelotok (small boat) from a tributary crossed the path of the LCT INTAN PUSAKA JAYA 23, resulting in a collision that caused the kelotok to be struck and sink.
The victim managed to jump from the kelotok and attempted to swim to the shore. However, before reaching safety, the victim became exhausted and drowned. The crew of the LCT INTAN PUSAKA JAYA 23 attempted to assist by throwing a ring buoy and trying to save the victim, but due to the considerable distance, they were unable to rescue the victim in time.
Subsequently, the LCT INTAN PUSAKA JAYA 23 reported the incident to Ditpolair Polda Kalsel, which then forwarded the report to the Banjarmasin Search and Rescue Office.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]