Sabtu, 1 Juni 2024


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Pada hari sabtu tanggal 1 juni 2024 telah terjadi kecelakaan yaitu terbaliknya kapal nelayan di perairan cirebon, kapal nelayan berhasil di evakuasi oleh TB. JOHAN JAYA 109 dan tidak ada korban jiwa

Berikut kronologi untuk kecelakaan terbaliknya kapal nelayan di perairan cirebon

- Pada tanggal 01/06/2024 jam 08.30 LT, Operator VTS Cirebon menerima informasi dari TB. JOHAN JAYA 131 yang sedang menuju PLTU Kanci Cirebon bahwa ada perahu nelayan pemilik bapak Warsono terbalik pada posisi 06°43’38.0”S - 108°43’58.0”E (5.5nm timur laut Tanjung Bangka Deres), dan langsung menginformasikan kepada Manager VTS Cirebon.

- Pada jam 08.35 LT, Operator VTS Cirebon berkomunikasi dengan TB. JOHAN JAYA 109 yang telah dikirim menuju ke posisi perahu nelayan yang terbalik untuk melakukan pertolongan.

- Pada jam 09.30 LT, TB. JOHAN JAYA 109 telah tiba di lokasi dan langsung melakukan pertolongan terhadap perahu nelayan, jumlah POB di perahu nelayan 3 orang dan berhasil diselamatkan.

- Pada Jam 09.40 LT Perahu nelayan berhasil ditarik dan sedang proses menuju PLTU Kanci Cirebon.

- Pada pukul 11.10 Terima informasi dari TB. JOHAN JAYA 109 bahwa kapal sudah tiba di posisi pelabuhan PLTU Kanci Cirebon, kondisi perahu nelayan beserta crew aman dan selamat.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


English Version

On Saturday, June 1, 2024, a fishing boat capsized in the waters of Cirebon. The fishing boat was successfully evacuated by TB. JOHAN JAYA 109, and there were no casualties.

Here is the chronology of the fishing boat capsizing accident in the waters of Cirebon:

  • On June 1, 2024, at 08:30 LT, the VTS Cirebon operator received information from TB. JOHAN JAYA 131, which was en route to PLTU Kanci Cirebon, that a fishing boat owned by Mr. Warsono had capsized at position 06°43’38.0”S - 108°43’58.0”E (5.5 nm northeast of Tanjung Bangka Deres). The operator immediately informed the VTS Cirebon Manager.

  • At 08:35 LT, the VTS Cirebon operator communicated with TB. JOHAN JAYA 109, which had been dispatched to the location of the capsized fishing boat to provide assistance.

  • At 09:30 LT, TB. JOHAN JAYA 109 arrived at the location and immediately began the rescue operation. There were three people on board the fishing boat, all of whom were successfully rescued.

  • At 09:40 LT, the fishing boat was successfully towed and was in the process of being taken to PLTU Kanci Cirebon.

  • At 11:10 LT, information was received from TB. JOHAN JAYA 109 that the boat had arrived safely at the PLTU Kanci Cirebon harbor, with the fishing boat and its crew in safe and sound condition.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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