Pada hari Jumat, 24 Mei 2024 sekitar pukul 01.00 WIB, Nakhoda KN.Rantos - P.210 Pangkalan PLP Tanjung Uban mendapat informasi dari Kepala Pangkalan PLP Tanjung Uban melalui Koordinator Kelompok Operasi bahwa Kapal SPOB JEANITA mengalami kebakaran pada koordinat GPS 01 03' 647" N / 104 12' 693" E di sekitar Perairan Tanjung Uban, Bintan.
Pada pukul 02.10 WIB, KN.Rantos - P.210 berangkat dari Dermaga Pangkalan PLP Tanjung Uban menuju lokasi kebakaran Kapal SPOB JEANITA. Dua puluh menit kemudian, KN.Rantos - P.210 tiba di posisi Kapal SPOB JEANITA yang mengalami kebakaran.
Pada pukul 03.30 WIB, personel KN.Rantos - P.210 mulai melakukan penarikan selang nozzle pemadam dan melakukan pemadaman menggunakan selang pemadam ke dalam ruang akomodasi dan ruang mesin Kapal SPOB JEANITA, dibantu oleh Kapal TB.TRANSKO DARA 3202 dan TB.MEDELIN PARTNER.
Setelah api berhasil dipadamkan pada pukul 05.00 WIB, personel KN.Rantos - P.210 melakukan pendinginan terhadap Kapal SPOB JEANITA. KN.Rantos - P.210 tetap standby dan menyandar di lambung kiri Kapal SPOB JEANITA yang mengalami kebakaran, memastikan kondisi kapal tetap aman.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
On Friday, May 24, 2024, at approximately 01:00 WIB, the captain of KN.Rantos - P.210 at the Tanjung Uban PLP Station received information from the Head of the Tanjung Uban PLP Station through the Operations Group Coordinator that the SPOB JEANITA ship had caught fire at coordinates GPS 01 03' 647" N / 104 12' 693" E in the waters around Tanjung Uban, Bintan.
At 02:10 WIB, KN.Rantos - P.210 departed from the Tanjung Uban PLP Station dock towards the location of the SPOB JEANITA ship fire. Twenty minutes later, KN.Rantos - P.210 arrived at the position of the SPOB JEANITA ship that was on fire.
At 03:30 WIB, the personnel of KN.Rantos - P.210 began deploying the fire hose nozzle and started firefighting operations using the fire hose in the accommodation area and engine room of the SPOB JEANITA ship, assisted by the TB.TRANSKO DARA 3202 and TB.MEDELIN PARTNER vessels.
After the fire was successfully extinguished at 05:00 WIB, the personnel of KN.Rantos - P.210 conducted cooling operations on the SPOB JEANITA ship. KN.Rantos - P.210 remained on standby, docking at the left side of the SPOB JEANITA ship that had caught fire, ensuring the ship's condition remained safe.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]