Sabtu, 18 Mei 2024


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Pada dini hari Kamis, 16 Mei 2024, kapal kargo MV. MSC Sujin (5LNC5) melaporkan kejadian pencurian kepada Operator Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) melalui radio VHF Channel 71. Insiden tersebut terjadi sekitar pukul 02.00 LT di area labuh Zona 2, di mana kapal tersebut sedang berlabuh. Kapten kapal MV. MSC Sujin melaporkan bahwa tiga orang pencuri naik ke kapal melalui rantai jangkar pada pukul 01.57 LT. Mereka membuka satu unit kontainer, merusak loker di area depan kapal, dan mencuri enam set alat pemadam api. Pencuri meninggalkan kapal pada pukul 02.29 LT dengan barang curian tersebut. Semua aksi pencurian terekam oleh kamera CCTV keamanan kapal. Beruntung, seluruh awak kapal berada dalam kondisi selamat.

Berdasarkan pemantauan Operator VTS, MV. MSC Sujin terpantau melalui AIS sejak 15 Mei 2024 pukul 15.00 LT saat bergerak menuju area labuh Belawan. Kapal tersebut berkomunikasi dengan Operator VTS pada pukul 16.19 LT untuk menginformasikan kedatangan dan menerima arahan untuk berlabuh di Zona 2 area labuh kapal kontainer. Kapal MV. MSC Sujin menyelesaikan proses penurunan jangkar di Zona 2 pada pukul 18.00 LT. Meskipun pencurian terjadi pada pukul 02.00 LT tanggal 16 Mei, kapal baru melaporkan kejadian tersebut kepada Operator VTS pada pukul 14.52 LT, beberapa jam setelah insiden berlangsung. Hal ini menyebabkan keterlambatan dalam respon dan tindakan pengamanan.

Operator VTS telah menginformasikan kejadian ini kepada Pangkalan Kesatuan Penjaga Laut dan Pantai (KPLP) atau Belawan Coast Guard. KPLP segera menerima informasi tersebut dan berjanji akan melakukan tindak lanjut atas kejadian pencurian di atas kapal MV. MSC Sujin.

Data Kapal MV. MSC Sujin

  • Call Sign: 5LNC5
  • MMSI: 636023315
  • Bendera: Liberia
  • Jenis Kapal: Kargo
  • Pelabuhan Terakhir: Singapura
  • ETA: 18.00 LT (15 Mei 2024)
  • Jumlah Crew: 21 orang termasuk nahkoda
  • GT: 21,979
  • Draft: 6,5 meter
  • Keagenan: PT. Ben Line

Dengan adanya insiden ini, diharapkan pihak berwenang serta nakhoda beserta seluruh awak kapal dapat meningkatkan keamanan dan pengawasan di area labuh untuk mencegah kejadian serupa di masa mendatang.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



Thursday, May 16, 2024, the cargo ship MV. MSC Sujin (5LNC5) reported a theft incident to the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Operator via VHF Radio Channel 71. The incident occurred around 02:00 LT in Anchorage Zone 2, where the vessel was anchored.

The captain of MV. MSC Sujin reported that three thieves boarded the ship via the anchor chain at 01:57 LT. They opened one container, damaged the forward area locker, and stole six sets of fire extinguishers. The thieves left the ship at 02:29 LT with the stolen items. All actions were recorded by the ship's CCTV security cameras. Fortunately, all crew members were reported to be safe.

According to the VTS Operator's monitoring, MV. MSC Sujin was tracked via AIS from 15:00 LT on May 15, 2024, as it moved towards the Belawan anchorage area. The ship communicated with the VTS Operator at 16:19 LT to report its arrival and received instructions to anchor in Zone 2, the container ship anchorage area. MV. MSC Sujin completed the anchoring process in Zone 2 at 18:00 LT.

Although the theft occurred at 02:00 LT on May 16, the ship only reported the incident to the VTS Operator at 14:52 LT, several hours after the incident took place. This caused a delay in response and security measures.

The VTS Operator informed the Maritime Security Agency (KPLP) or Belawan Coast Guard about the incident. KPLP immediately received the information and promised to take follow-up actions regarding the theft on MV. MSC Sujin.

MV. MSC Sujin Ship Data:

  • Call Sign: 5LNC5
  • MMSI: 636023315
  • Flag: Liberia
  • Ship Type: Cargo
  • Last Port: Singapore
  • ETA: 18:00 LT (May 15, 2024)
  • Crew Number: 21 people including the captain
  • GT: 21,979
  • Draft: 6.5 meters
  • Agent: PT. Ben Line

With this incident, it is hoped that the authorities, the captain, and all crew members will enhance security and surveillance in the anchorage area to prevent similar incidents in the future.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]

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