Senin, 6 Mei 2024

Insiden Orang Jatuh Ke Laut ABK MV MV Glory Prosperity Di Selat Singapura / An Incident Man Overboard (MOB) Crew Member Of The MV Glory Prosperity In Singapore Strait.

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Senin, Tanggal 06 Mei 2024, telah terjadi insiden Orang Jatuh Ke Laut yang merupakan ABK Kapal MV Glory Prosperity. Kapal Curah berbendera Panama ini berlayar dari Singapore tujuan China. Dilaporkan bahwa 1 orang crew kapal Hilang atas nama LUBEN yang merupakan WNA berkebangsaan China. Korban terakhir terlihat  oleh Crew Kapal pada tanggal 05 mei 2024 pukul 19.50 LT. kejadian tersebut terjadi di selat Singapore atau Singapore Strait pada titik Koordinat Lintang 01' 32.300 N dan Bujur 104' 48.050 E Sebelah timur laut Menara Suar Horsburgh, sekitar 25 NM dari Tanjung Pinang.

Sampai saat ini belum ada perkembangan informasi dan Korban masih dalam proses pencarian, VTS Batam dan Stasiun Radio Pantai terdekat terus berupaya untuk menyiarkan Berita Keselamatan kepada Kapal Kapal disekitar lokasi kejadian agar selalu meningkatkan kewaspadaan melakukan pengamatan sekitar dengan baik. Diharapkan bagi kapal kapal disekitar lokasi kejadian jika menemukan korban dapat membantu dalam evakuasi dan melaporkan ke Stasiun Radio Pantai (SROP) dan Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) terdekat.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


English Version

On Monday, May 6th, 2024, an incident of a Man Overboard (MOB) occurred involving a crew member of the MV Glory Prosperity. The Panama-flagged bulk carrier was sailing from Singapore to China. It was reported that one crew member named LUBEN, a Chinese national, is missing. The victim was last seen by the ship's crew on May 5th, 2024, at 19:50 local time. The incident took place in the Singapore Strait at the coordinates Latitude 01' 32.300 N and Longitude 104' 48.050 E, northeast of Horsburgh Lighthouse, approximately 25 nautical miles from Tanjung Pinang.


As of now, there have been no developments in the information, and the victim is still being searched for. VTS Batam and the nearest Coast Radio Station continue their efforts to broadcast Safety News to vessels in the vicinity of the incident to ensure heightened awareness and observation. It is hoped that vessels near the incident location, upon finding the victim, can assist in evacuation and report to the nearest Coast Radio Station (SROP) and Vessel Traffic Service (VTS).


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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