Hari Kamis, 2 Mei 2024 - Sebuah kapal yacht bernama Aphrodite dilaporkan kandas di perairan Asinusa Zona C barat Pulau Takong Kecil, dalam perjalanannya dari Phuket, Thailand menuju Tarempa, Indonesia. Kapal dengan bendera United Kingdom dan GT 75.30 LOA 28M ini terjebak dalam cuaca buruk dengan angin kencang, menyebabkan kapal terdorong dan akhirnya terdampar di karang.
Posisi kapal saat ini tercatat berada di 01° 06 6030 N 103° 41 1874 E, duduk di atas karang dengan kemiringan ke kiri. Kapal ini diawaki oleh tiga orang, masing-masing berasal dari Australia dan Myanmar. Nahkoda kapal diketahui bernama Issel Bruce John dari Australia, sementara Ye Win Naing dan Thaw Zin Min bertindak sebagai Quarter Master dan Engineer dari Myanmar.
Meskipun kondisi kapal tidak mengalami kebocoran atau bahaya serius lainnya, para awak kapal harus menunggu air pasang sekitar pukul 1800 LT untuk dapat melanjutkan perjalanan menuju pelabuhan Tarempa, Indonesia.
Informasi ini diumumkan melalui KSOP Tg. Balai Karimun melalui panggilan darurat melalui pusat layanan telepon Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Batam. Kapal KN Kalimasada saat ini dalam perjalanan menuju lokasi untuk membantu. Perhatian terhadap kapal ini telah disiagakan dan Notice To Marines (NTM) telah disiapkan untuk disiarkan oleh VTS Batam kepada kapal-kapal di sekitar area tersebut. kapals diminta untuk bernavigasi dengan hatis di area ini.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
On Thursday, May 2, 2024 - A yacht named Aphrodite was reported grounded in the waters of Asinusa Zone C, west of Takong Kecil Island, during its journey from Phuket, Thailand to Tarempa, Indonesia. The vessel, flying the United Kingdom flag with GT 75.30 and LOA 28M, became trapped in bad weather with strong winds, causing it to be pushed and eventually stranded on a reef.
The current position of the vessel is recorded at 01° 06 6030 N 103° 41 1874 E, sitting atop the reef with a tilt to the left. The vessel is crewed by three individuals, each from Australia and Myanmar. The ship's captain is known as Issel Bruce John from Australia, while Ye Win Naing and Thaw Zin Min serve as the Quarter Master and Engineer from Myanmar, respectively.
Although the vessel is not experiencing any leaks or other serious hazards, the crew must wait for high tide around 1800 LT to continue their journey to the port of Tarempa, Indonesia.
This information was announced through the KSOP Tg. Balai Karimun via an emergency call through the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Batam telephone service center. The vessel KN Kalimasada is currently en route to the location to assist. Attention to this vessel has been alerted, and a Notice To Mariners (NTM) has been prepared to be broadcasted by VTS Batam to vessels in the surrounding area. Vessels are advised to navigate cautiously in this area.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]