Banda Aceh, 15 Januari 2025 – Kepala Kantor KSOP Malahayati, Capt. Amfami, S.H., M.Mar., melalui petugas KPLP bersama tim gabungan dari Basarnas Banda Aceh, KKP Ulee-Lheue, agen kapal, petugas Imigrasi, dan instansi terkait lainnya, berhasil melaksanakan evakuasi medis (medevac) terhadap seorang kru kapal di perairan utara Banda Aceh.
Evakuasi dilakukan terhadap seorang kru kapal MT. CHEMWAY ARROW berbendera Panama, atas nama seorang warga negara Myanmar berusia 30 tahun dengan jabatan OS (Ordinary Seaman). Kru tersebut dilaporkan mengalami sakit usus buntu yang menyebabkan nyeri hebat di perut dan kesulitan berjalan.
Kapal MT. CHEMWAY ARROW bertolak dari Arab Saudi menuju Dongguan, China, ketika evakuasi dilakukan menggunakan kapal KN SAR KRESNA milik Basarnas Banda Aceh. Berikut adalah kronologi evakuasi:
- 06.30 WIB: Kapal KN SAR KRESNA berangkat dari Pelabuhan Ulee-Lheue.
- 07.45 WIB: KN SAR KRESNA bersandar di sisi kiri MT. CHEMWAY ARROW.
- 07.50 WIB: Tim medis KKP, agen kapal, dan petugas KSOP naik ke kapal untuk memeriksa kondisi pasien, diikuti oleh tim evakuasi dari Basarnas.
- 08.15 WIB: Kru yang sakit bersama petugas evakuasi turun dari kapal (disembark).
- 08.30 WIB: KN SAR KRESNA lepas tali (cast off) dan bergerak kembali menuju Pelabuhan Ulee-Lheue.
- 09.30 WIB: KN SAR KRESNA tiba di Pelabuhan Ulee-Lheue.
- 09.40 WIB: Kru yang sakit dievakuasi menggunakan ambulans ke RSU Zainal Abidin Banda Aceh untuk penanganan medis lanjutan.
Proses evakuasi berlangsung lancar tanpa hambatan. Kepala Kantor KSOP Malahayati menyampaikan apresiasi atas kerja sama yang baik dari semua pihak terkait. Keberhasilan ini menunjukkan pentingnya sinergi dalam penanganan keadaan darurat di perairan.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
Banda Aceh, January 15, 2025 – The Head of the KSOP Malahayati Office, Capt. Amfami, S.H., M.Mar., through KPLP officers and a joint team consisting of Basarnas Banda Aceh, KKP Ulee-Lheue, ship agents, Immigration officers, and other relevant agencies, successfully conducted a medical evacuation (medevac) of a ship crew member in the northern waters of Banda Aceh.
The evacuation was carried out for a crew member of the Panama-flagged vessel MT. CHEMWAY ARROW, a 30-year-old Myanmar national serving as an Ordinary Seaman (OS). The crew member was reported to be suffering from appendicitis, causing severe abdominal pain and difficulty walking.
The MT. CHEMWAY ARROW was en route from Saudi Arabia to Dongguan, China, when the evacuation took place using the Basarnas Banda Aceh vessel KN SAR KRESNA. The following is the chronology of the evacuation:
- 06:30 WIB: KN SAR KRESNA departed from Ulee-Lheue Port.
- 07:45 WIB: KN SAR KRESNA docked on the port side of MT. CHEMWAY ARROW.
- 07:50 WIB: The medical team from KKP, ship agents, and KSOP officers boarded the ship to assess the patient’s condition, followed by the Basarnas evacuation team.
- 08:15 WIB: The sick crew member, accompanied by the evacuation team, disembarked from the ship.
- 08:30 WIB: KN SAR KRESNA cast off and headed back to Ulee-Lheue Port.
- 09:30 WIB: KN SAR KRESNA arrived at Ulee-Lheue Port.
- 09:40 WIB: The crew member was transported by ambulance to Zainal Abidin General Hospital in Banda Aceh for further medical treatment.
The evacuation process went smoothly without any obstacles. The Head of the KSOP Malahayati Office expressed appreciation for the excellent cooperation among all parties involved. This successful operation highlights the importance of synergy in handling emergencies at sea.
Call Center: +62 852 1622 1177 | Email: [email protected]