Makassar, Selasa, 14 Januari 2025
Kantor Pencarian dan Pertolongan Kelas A Makassar melaporkan operasi SAR terkait tenggelamnya kapal motor nelayan (KMN) Harapan Jaya di perairan Tanakeke, Kabupaten Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan. Insiden ini dilaporkan oleh Kasat Polairud, AKP Kasman, pada Selasa (14/1) pukul 06.00 WITA.
Kronologi Kejadian
KMN Harapan Jaya berangkat dari Pelabuhan Paotere menuju Pulau Sumange pada Jumat (10/1) pukul 20.00 WITA. Namun, sekitar pukul 00.00 WITA, kapal mengalami kebocoran di lambung kiri akibat dihantam ombak besar karena cuaca buruk. Kapal akhirnya tenggelam di sekitar perairan Tanakeke, Kabupaten Takalar.
Dua hari setelah kejadian, seorang nelayan asal Dusun Dongkalang menemukan tiga korban selamat, yaitu:
- Suraes Desalle (46 tahun)
- Dg Mamba (50 tahun)
- Ippang (27 tahun)
Ketiga korban dievakuasi ke Pulau Selayar. Berdasarkan keterangan mereka, tiga korban lainnya terpisah dan belum ditemukan. Pihak keluarga dan masyarakat sekitar telah melakukan pencarian mandiri, namun hasilnya nihil.
Upaya SAR
Tim SAR segera dikerahkan setelah menerima laporan. Pada Selasa (14/1) pukul 06.20 WITA, Tim Rescue Pos Selayar bergerak menuju Pulau Gusung dengan menggunakan perahu karet dan peralatan SAR lainnya. Sementara itu, Tim Rescue Pos Bantaeng menggunakan RIB untuk melakukan pencarian di sekitar Pulau Selayar dan Bulukumba.
Data Korban
- Total Korban: 6 orang
- Selamat (S): 3 orang
- Suraes Desalle (46 tahun)
- Dg Mamba (50 tahun)
- Ippang (27 tahun)
- Dalam Pencarian (DP): 3 orang
- Unyil (42 tahun)
- Agus (50 tahun)
- Pai (42 tahun)
Kondisi Cuaca dan Peralatan yang Digunakan
Cuaca di lokasi dilaporkan cerah berawan dengan kecepatan angin 8-20 knot dan tinggi gelombang 0,5-2 meter. Peralatan yang digunakan dalam operasi ini meliputi rescue car, RIB, rubber boat, serta peralatan komunikasi, medis, dan evakuasi.
Unsur yang Terlibat
Operasi pencarian ini melibatkan berbagai pihak, termasuk:
- Pos SAR Bantaeng
- Pos SAR Selayar
- Polairud
- SROP Makassar
- SROP Selayar
- Dinas Sosial Selayar
- Nelayan setempat
Operasi pencarian masih berlangsung untuk menemukan tiga korban yang hilang. Kantor SAR Makassar terus mengoordinasikan upaya pencarian dengan berbagai pihak terkait.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
Makassar, Tuesday, January 14, 2025
The Class A Search and Rescue Office in Makassar has reported a SAR operation concerning the sinking of the fishing motorboat (KMN) Harapan Jaya in the waters of Tanakeke, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi. The incident was reported by the Head of Polairud, AKP Kasman, on Tuesday (1/14) at 06:00 WITA.
Incident Chronology
The KMN Harapan Jaya departed from Paotere Port heading to Sumange Island on Friday (1/10) at 20:00 WITA. However, around 00:00 WITA, the boat began leaking on its left hull after being struck by large waves due to bad weather. The vessel eventually sank in the waters of Tanakeke, Takalar Regency.
Two days after the incident, a fisherman from Dongkalang Hamlet found three survivors:
- Suraes Desalle (46 years old)
- Dg Mamba (50 years old)
- Ippang (27 years old)
The three survivors were evacuated to Selayar Island. According to their statements, three other victims were separated and remain missing. Families and locals have conducted independent searches but with no results.
SAR Efforts
The SAR team was immediately deployed after receiving the report. On Tuesday (1/14) at 06:20 WITA, the Rescue Team from Selayar Station departed for Gusung Island using a rubber boat and other SAR equipment. Meanwhile, the Rescue Team from Bantaeng Station utilized an RIB to search around Selayar Island and Bulukumba.
Victim Data
- Total Victims: 6 persons
- Rescued: 3 persons
- Suraes Desalle (46 years old)
- Dg Mamba (50 years old)
- Ippang (27 years old)
- Still Missing: 3 persons
- Unyil (42 years old)
- Agus (50 years old)
- Pai (42 years old)
Weather Conditions and Equipment Used
The weather at the location was reported as partly cloudy, with wind speeds of 8-20 knots and wave heights ranging from 0.5 to 2 meters. Equipment used in the operation included rescue cars, RIBs, rubber boats, as well as communication, medical, and evacuation tools.
Involved Parties
The search operation involved multiple agencies, including:
- Bantaeng SAR Station
- Selayar SAR Station
- Polairud
- Makassar Coastal Radio Station
- Selayar Coastal Radio Station
- Indonesian Navy
- Selayar Social Affairs Office
- Local fishermen
The search operation is ongoing to locate the three missing victims. The Makassar SAR Office continues to coordinate with various related agencies to optimize the search efforts.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]