Pada Senin, 23 Desember 2024, sekitar pukul 20.35 WIB, kapal tongkang DBS 9 mengalami kecelakaan kandas di perairan Kuala Batu, Susoh, dengan koordinat 03°43’429” N / 096°47’895” E. Kecelakaan ini tidak menimbulkan korban jiwa pada awak kapal maupun penumpang, dan tidak ada pencemaran atau kerusakan lingkungan yang terjadi. Namun, muatan kapal berupa 4.100 ton bijih besi dan alat berat loader vehicle dilaporkan mengalami kerusakan.
Kecelakaan berawal pada pukul 16.38 WIB, saat TB DAYA 10 dan tongkang DBS 9 melakukan STS dengan kapal MV Dharma Lautan Ruby. Pada pukul 18.00 WIB, tali layang haluan MV Dharma Lautan Ruby putus, diikuti dengan putusnya tali spring tongkang DBS 9. Pada pukul 19.10 WIB, TB DAYA 10 dan tongkang DBS 9 bergantung di buritan kapal MV Dharma Lautan Ruby untuk berlindung dari gelombang tinggi dan angin kencang.
Pukul 20.00 WIB, tali second towing putus, dan nakhoda berupaya menguasai posisi tongkang. Pada pukul 20.30 WIB, tali towing kembali terhubung, namun pukul 20.35 WIB, tali tersebut kembali putus akibat ombak dan angin kencang, sehingga tongkang hanyut. Meskipun nakhoda TB DAYA 10 berusaha menguasai tongkang DBS 9, kondisi cuaca buruk dan gelombang tinggi membuat upaya tersebut gagal, dan tongkang akhirnya kandas.
Tongkang DBS 9 ditemukan kandas pada pukul 23.00 WIB di perairan Kuala Batu, Susoh, dengan jarak sekitar 0,7 NM dari pelabuhan Susoh. Terkait insiden ini, tim yang terlibat antara lain Petugas UPK Kelas III Susoh, agen pelayaran PT. Gathana Arung Nusantara, pemilik barang PT. Juya Aceh Mining, serta tenaga kerja bongkar muat (TKBM).
Kepala Kantor Unit Penyelenggara Pelabuhan Kelas III Susoh, Hardi Sugianto, SE.MH, segera melakukan koordinasi dan penanganan terhadap insiden ini. Faktor cuaca buruk dan angin kencang dari arah selatan dengan kecepatan 35 knot serta gelombang tinggi antara 2 hingga 2,5 meter diduga menjadi penyebab utama kecelakaan ini.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
English Version
On Monday, December 23, 2024, at approximately 8:35 PM WIB, the DBS 9 barge ran aground in the waters of Kuala Batu, Susoh, at coordinates 03°43’429” N / 096°47’895” E. The incident resulted in no fatalities among the crew or passengers, and there was no pollution or environmental damage. However, the ship’s cargo, consisting of 4,100 tons of iron ore and heavy equipment, including a loader vehicle, was reported to be damaged.
The incident began at 4:38 PM WIB when TB DAYA 10 and the DBS 9 barge were conducting a Ship-to-Ship (STS) transfer with the MV Dharma Lautan Ruby. At 6:00 PM WIB, the bow towing line of the MV Dharma Lautan Ruby broke, followed by the breaking of the spring line of the DBS 9 barge. At 7:10 PM WIB, TB DAYA 10 and the DBS 9 barge were hanging at the stern of the MV Dharma Lautan Ruby to seek shelter from high waves and strong winds.
At 8:00 PM WIB, the second towing line broke, and the captain tried to regain control of the barge’s position. By 8:30 PM WIB, the towing line was reconnected, but at 8:35 PM WIB, it broke again due to high waves and strong winds, causing the barge to drift. Despite the efforts of the TB DAYA 10 captain to regain control, the poor weather conditions and high waves made it impossible, and the barge eventually ran aground.
The DBS 9 barge was found aground at 11:00 PM WIB in the waters of Kuala Batu, Susoh, approximately 0.7 NM from the Susoh port. The team involved in handling the incident included officers from UPK Class III Susoh, the shipping agent PT. Gathana Arung Nusantara, cargo owner PT. Juya Aceh Mining, and dock workers (TKBM).
The Head of the Susoh Class III Port Authority Office, Hardi Sugianto, SE.MH, immediately coordinated and managed the response to this incident. The primary cause of the accident is suspected to be severe weather, with strong winds from the south at speeds of 35 knots and high waves between 2 to 2.5 meters.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]