Tobelo, 14 Desember 2024, Insiden tragis menimpa kapal penumpang tradisional KM Ales Mulia berbendera Indonesia pada Sabtu malam (14/12/2024). Kapal dengan berat 120 GT yang mengangkut 165 penumpang dan 8 anak buah kapal (ABK) mengalami kebocoran dan kandas di perairan Pulau Tagalaya, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara, Provinsi Maluku Utara.
KM Ales Mulia yang dioperasikan oleh PT Tunas Manganitu Lines berangkat dari Pelabuhan Patlean, Halmahera Timur, menuju Tobelo pada pukul 15.00 WIT dengan membawa muatan kopra sekitar 60 ton. Dalam perjalanan, kapal menghadapi cuaca buruk yang menyebabkan air laut masuk ke dalam kapal. Kondisi diperparah dengan rusaknya mesin pompa air, sehingga air terus menggenangi kapal.
Pada pukul 20.45 WIT, ketika posisi kapal berada di koordinat 01°42.905'N / 128°03.945'E dekat Pulau Tagalaya, Nakhoda KM Ales Mulia memutuskan untuk mengandaskan kapal di atas karang di pesisir pulau. Langkah ini diambil untuk mencegah kapal tenggelam di tengah laut dan menyelamatkan para penumpang.
Laporan pertama diterima oleh KUPP Kelas I Tobelo pada pukul 20.45 WIT melalui keluarga korban yang menginformasikan kondisi darurat kapal. Perwira jaga KUPP Tobelo segera berkoordinasi dengan nakhoda KM Citra Bahari untuk membantu proses evakuasi.
Pada pukul 21.32 WIT, KM Citra Bahari diberangkatkan dari Pelabuhan Tobelo menuju lokasi kejadian. Tak lama berselang, kapal patroli KNP 4004 menyusul ke lokasi untuk mendukung evakuasi dan operasi SAR. Proses evakuasi melibatkan berbagai pihak, termasuk:
- KUPP Kelas I Tobelo (KNP 4004)
- Polres Halmahera Utara (Polsek KP3 dan Polair)
- Basarnas
- TNI Angkatan Laut
- Masyarakat setempat
Dampak dan Kerugian dari kejadian tersebut :
- Korban Jiwa: 2 orang meninggal dunia.
- Kerusakan Muatan: Kopra sebanyak 60 ton diperkirakan hilang atau rusak.
- Pencemaran Lingkungan: Tidak ditemukan indikasi pencemaran laut.
Insiden ini menjadi pengingat pentingnya kesiapan menghadapi cuaca buruk di perairan. Upaya cepat dari berbagai pihak berhasil mencegah jatuhnya korban lebih banyak dan menyelamatkan sebagian besar penumpang KM Ales Mulia. Hingga kini, pihak berwenang terus melakukan evaluasi terhadap penyebab insiden dan langkah mitigasi lebih lanjut.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
English Version
Tobelo, December 14, 2024 A incident occurred on Saturday evening (14/12/2024), involving the traditional Indonesian-flagged passenger ship, KM Ales Mulia. The 120 GT vessel, carrying 165 passengers and 8 crew members (ABK), suffered a leak and ran aground in the waters near Tagalaya Island, Halmahera Utara Regency, North Maluku Province.
KM Ales Mulia, operated by PT Tunas Manganitu Lines, departed from Patlean Port, East Halmahera, at 15:00 WIT bound for Tobelo. The vessel was carrying a cargo of approximately 60 tons of copra. During the journey, the ship encountered severe weather, causing seawater to enter the vessel. The situation worsened when the water pump malfunctioned, leading to significant flooding inside the ship.
At 20:45 WIT, while positioned at coordinates 01°42.905'N / 128°03.945'E, near Tagalaya Island, the captain of KM Ales Mulia decided to intentionally ground the vessel on the coral reefs near the island's shore. This decision was made to prevent the ship from sinking in open waters and to ensure the safety of the passengers.
The first report was received by KUPP Class I Tobelo at 20:45 WIT, relayed by the victims' families who informed authorities about the ship's critical condition. On-duty officers at KUPP Tobelo immediately coordinated with the captain of KM Citra Bahari to assist in the evacuation process.
At 21:32 WIT, KM Citra Bahari departed Tobelo Port for the incident location. Shortly thereafter, patrol vessel KNP 4004 was also dispatched to the scene to support evacuation efforts and conduct search-and-rescue (SAR) operations. The rescue operation involved multiple parties, including:
- KUPP Class I Tobelo (KNP 4004)
- Halmahera Utara Police (KP3 Unit and Marine Police)
- Basarnas
- Indonesian Navy
- Local Community
Impact and Losses
- Casualties: 2 fatalities.
- Cargo Damage: Approximately 60 tons of copra were lost or damaged.
- Environmental Impact: No signs of marine pollution were detected.
This incident serves as a critical reminder of the importance of preparedness in dealing with severe weather conditions at sea. The swift actions of various agencies successfully prevented more casualties and ensured the safety of the majority of KM Ales Mulia's passengers. Authorities are currently conducting further evaluations of the incident's causes and exploring mitigation measures to prevent similar occurrences in the future.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]