Bakauheni, 8 Desember 2024 – Insiden kandasnya KMP Jagantara terjadi pada Sabtu, 7 Desember 2024, pukul 22.30 WIB. Kejadian ini dilaporkan oleh Kantor Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan (KSOP) Bakauheni, yang menerima informasi bahwa kapal tersebut kandas di sekitar Pulau Kandang Lunik saat berlayar dari Dermaga IV Pelabuhan Bakauheni menuju Pelabuhan Merak, Banten.
Menurut Nakhoda KMP Jagantara, insiden terjadi pada pukul 21.20 WIB. Cuaca buruk, hujan lebat, jarak pandang terbatas, dan arus kuat menjadi penyebab utama kapal terseret hingga kandas.
Evakuasi penumpang dan kendaraan langsung dilakukan. Hingga berita ini diturunkan, pihak terkait masih mendata jumlah penumpang yang berhasil dievakuasi dan memastikan keselamatan mereka. Berdasarkan informasi awal, kapal tidak membawa penumpang loket atau pejalan kaki. Namun, terdapat 63 kendaraan yang diangkut, terdiri dari:
- Sepeda motor: 4 unit
- Kendaraan pribadi: 6 unit
- Pick-up: 2 unit
- Colt diesel: 6 unit
- Bus sedang: 3 unit
- Bus besar: 10 unit
- Truk besar: 18 unit
- Tronton: 13 unit
- Trailer: 1 unit
Operasi evakuasi melibatkan sejumlah kapal, termasuk kapal patroli KPLP milik Pangkalan PLP Tanjung Priok KNP.Trisula yang bergerak ke lokasi untuk membantu penyelamatan. Pagi ini, proses evakuasi penumpang dan kendaraan dilanjutkan di perairan Bakauheni, Selat Sunda.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
Bakauheni, December 8, 2024 – The KMP Jagantara ran aground on Saturday, December 7, 2024, at 10:30 PM local time (WIB). The incident was reported by the Bakauheni Port Authority (KSOP), which received information that the vessel had stranded near Kandang Lunik Island while en route from Pier IV of Bakauheni Port to Merak Port, Banten.
According to the captain of KMP Jagantara, the incident occurred at approximately 9:20 PM WIB. Severe weather, heavy rain, poor visibility, and strong currents were cited as the main factors causing the vessel to drift and run aground.
Passenger and vehicle evacuation efforts were immediately initiated. As of this report, the authorities are still verifying the number of evacuated passengers and ensuring their safety. Initial information indicates that there were no walk-on passengers or pedestrians aboard. However, the vessel carried 63 vehicles, including:
- Motorcycles: 4 units
- Private cars: 6 units
- Pick-up trucks: 2 units
- Colt diesel trucks: 6 units
- Medium buses: 3 units
- Large buses: 10 units
- Large trucks: 18 units
- Tronton trucks: 13 units
- Trailers: 1 unit
The evacuation operation involved several patrol boats, including the KPLP patrol vessel KNP Trisula from the Tanjung Priok PLP Base, which was deployed to assist in the rescue. This morning, the evacuation process for passengers and vehicles continues in the waters of Bakauheni, Sunda Strait.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]