Korido, 5 Desember 2024 – Aksi penyelamatan heroik dilakukan oleh KM Sabuk Nusantara 63 saat berlayar dari Pelabuhan Korido menuju Pelabuhan Saribi. Insiden ini terjadi pada Kamis pagi, setelah kapal menerima laporan adanya kapal kayu KLM Cinta Damai 05 yang tenggelam di sekitar Pulau Rani, Selat Aruri.
Laporan awal diterima pukul 09.00 LT dari salah satu penumpang yang mendapat informasi dari pihak keluarganya tentang kapal yang tenggelam. Informasi ini segera disampaikan ke anjungan KM Sabuk Nusantara 63. Menindaklanjuti laporan tersebut, perwira jaga melaporkan ke Nakhoda, dan pengamatan dilakukan di sekitar Selat Aruri.
Pada pukul 09.15 LT, KM Sabuk Nusantara 63 mendeteksi keberadaan objek di laut yang kemudian dikonfirmasi sebagai kapal KLM Cinta Damai 05. Kapal segera melakukan manuver menuju lokasi dan pada pukul 09.30 LT, kru KM Sabuk Nusantara 63 berhasil mengevakuasi ABK serta beberapa penumpang kapal kayu tersebut di koordinat 00°58.433'S/135°21.479'E.
Setelah evakuasi selesai pukul 09.36 LT, para korban dibawa naik ke atas KM Sabuk Nusantara 63. Kru kapal memberikan air hangat untuk membantu menghangatkan tubuh korban. Mualim I juga melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan terhadap para korban dan memastikan kondisi mereka dalam keadaan baik.
Setelah aksi penyelamatan selesai, KM Sabuk Nusantara 63 melanjutkan pelayaran menuju Pelabuhan Saribi. Berkat respons cepat dan koordinasi yang baik, seluruh ABK dan penumpang KLM Cinta Damai 05 berhasil diselamatkan tanpa ada korban jiwa.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
Korido, 5 December 2024 - A heroic rescue action was carried out by KM Sabuk Nusantara 63 while sailing from Korido Port to Saribi Port. This incident occurred on Thursday morning, after the ship received a report of a wooden boat KLM Cinta Damai 05 that sank around Rani Island, Aruri Strait.
The initial report was received at 09.00 LT from one of the passengers who received information from his family about the sinking ship. This information was immediately conveyed to the bridge of KM Sabuk Nusantara 63. Following up on the report, the duty officer reported to the Nakhoda, and observations were made around the Aruri Strait.
At 09.15 LT, KM Sabuk Nusantara 63 detected the presence of an object at sea which was later confirmed as the KLM Cinta Damai 05. The ship immediately manoeuvred towards the location and at 09.30 LT, the crew of KM Sabuk Nusantara 63 successfully evacuated the crew and several passengers of the wooden ship at the coordinates 00°58.433‘S/135°21.479’E.
After the evacuation was completed at 09.36 LT, the victims were brought aboard KM Sabuk Nusantara 63. The crew provided warm water to help warm the victims' bodies. The Chief of Staff also conducted a health check on the victims and ensured that they were in good condition.
After the rescue action was completed, KM Sabuk Nusantara 63 continued its voyage to Saribi Harbour. Thanks to the quick response and good coordination, all crew members and passengers of KLM Cinta Damai 05 were successfully rescued without any casualties.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]