Minggu, 17 November 2024

Kebakaran Kapal Motor Di Depan Jetty Pertamina Pontianak, Tiga Korban Berhasil Diselamatkan / Motorboat Fire In Front Of Pertamina Jetty Pontianak, Three Victims Rescued

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Pontianak, 17 November 2024 - Kebakaran melanda sebuah kapal motor air di depan Jetty Pertamina Pontianak pada pukul 20.48 WIB. Insiden ini dilaporkan oleh MT. Arafura kepada Pontianak VTS. Tim gabungan segera bertindak untuk menangani situasi darurat tersebut.

Kronologi Kejadian

  • Pukul 20.50 WIB: Petugas VTS Pontianak berkoordinasi dengan Manager VTS.
  • Pukul 20.52 WIB: Manager VTS menghubungi Hendra Simanjuntak dari KSOP Pontianak.
  • Pukul 20.53 WIB: Operator VTS menyiarkan peringatan darurat Pan Pan di kanal 12.
  • Pukul 20.54 WIB: Manager VTS berkoordinasi dengan Basarnas Pontianak yang dipimpin Adi Kuswoyo.
  • Pukul 20.55 WIB: Kejadian dilaporkan ke Kepala Seksi Alur dan Telekomunikasi Pelabuhan.
  • Pukul 20.57 WIB: Manager VTS menghubungi POLAIRUD yang diwakili Bapak Sudirmo.

Evakuasi dan Penanganan Korban

Api berhasil dipadamkan, dan tim evakuasi menyatakan terdapat tiga awak kapal. Dua orang ditemukan selamat pada pukul 21.44 WIB, sedangkan korban ketiga berhasil diselamatkan pada pukul 21.46 WIB. Berikut identitas korban:

  1. Rusdi Bin Madi (38 tahun) – Mengalami luka bakar di kaki kanan.
  2. Rustam Bin Madi (39 tahun).
  3. Wawan Bin Sahari (38 tahun).

Ketiga korban saat ini telah dievakuasi dengan bantuan Motor Pandu. Kapal motor air yang mengalami insiden disebutkan menyerupai kapal klotok, berdasarkan keterangan saksi dan petugas sementara api juga telah berhasil dipadamkan.

Langkah Selanjutnya

Seluruh korban dinyatakan selamat dan mendapatkan perawatan lebih lanjut. Penyebab kebakaran serta penangana dalam penyelidikan dan pengawasan oleh pihak berwenang termasuk KSOP, SAR, dan Polairud.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



Pontianak, November 17, 2024 – A fire broke out on a motorboat in front of the Pertamina Jetty in Pontianak at 8:48 PM local time. The incident was reported by MT. Arafura to Pontianak VTS. A joint team quickly responded to handle the emergency.

Chronology of Events

  • 8:50 PM: Pontianak VTS officers coordinated with the VTS Manager.
  • 8:52 PM: The VTS Manager contacted Hendra Simanjuntak from Pontianak Port Authority (KSOP).
  • 8:53 PM: VTS operators broadcasted a Pan Pan emergency alert on Channel 12.
  • 8:54 PM: The VTS Manager coordinated with Basarnas Pontianak, led by Adi Kuswoyo.
  • 8:55 PM: The incident was reported to the Head of Channel and Telecommunications.
  • 8:57 PM: The VTS Manager contacted POLAIRUD, represented by Mr. Sudirmo.

Evacuation and Victim Handling

The fire was successfully extinguished, and the evacuation team confirmed there were three crew members aboard. Two were found safe at 9:44 PM, while the third victim was rescued at 9:46 PM. The victims are identified as follows:

  1. Rusdi Bin Madi (38 years old) – Sustained burn injuries on his right leg.
  2. Rustam Bin Madi (39 years old).
  3. Wawan Bin Sahari (38 years old).

The three victims were evacuated with assistance from Motor Pandu. The motorboat involved in the incident was reported to resemble a traditional klotok boat, based on information from witnesses and initial reports.

Next Steps

All victims have been declared safe and are receiving further medical treatment. The cause of the fire and the handling process remain under investigation and oversight by relevant authorities, including the Port Authority (KSOP), SAR, and POLAIRUD.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]

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