Surabaya, 26 Oktober 2024 – Seorang pria bernama Dominggus Djawa (45) dilaporkan terjatuh ke laut di Dermaga Kalimas, tepatnya di depan Gudang 608, pada Sabtu pagi, 26 Oktober 2024. Insiden ini terjadi sekitar pukul 05.35 LT, ketika korban yang bukan merupakan awak kapal atau pekerja di lokasi tersebut, dilaporkan mencoba menyeberang dari kapal ke daratan menggunakan jembatan kayu dan tergelincir.
Kronologi Kejadian
Pangkalan PLP Kelas II Tanjung Perak Surabaya menerima informasi terkait insiden "Man Over Board" (MOB) atau orang jatuh ke laut sekitar pukul 07.55 LT. Berdasarkan pantauan CCTV milik Pelindo, korban terlihat menyeberang dari KM. Samudra Perkasa 8 menuju darat ketika mengalami kecelakaan.
Tim Pangkalan PLP yang terdiri dari unit SAR, ABK KNP 371, dan KNP 329 segera menuju lokasi pada pukul 08.00 LT untuk melakukan pencarian. Proses pencarian yang melibatkan Basarnas, serta Ditpolair Polda Jatim ini berlangsung intensif di sekitar titik jatuhnya korban. Pukul 09.20 LT, korban berhasil ditemukan di sisi dermaga dalam kondisi meninggal dunia.
Tindakan Lanjutan dan Koordinasi
Setelah ditemukan, jenazah korban langsung dievakuasi ke Dermaga Polair dan kemudian dibawa ke RSUD Dr. Sutomo untuk proses otopsi dan penanganan lebih lanjut. Pangkalan PLP Tanjung Perak berkoordinasi dengan berbagai instansi terkait, termasuk KSOP Utama Tanjung Perak, VTS Surabaya, Basarnas Surabaya, serta Ditpolair Polda Jatim, untuk mengatur penanganan dan investigasi lebih lanjut.
Data Korban:
- Nama: Dominggus Djawa
- Usia: 45 tahun
- Alamat: Kalimas Baru 2 Buntu 278, RT/RW 013/009, Kelurahan Perak Utara, Kecamatan Pabean Cantian, Surabaya
- Jenis Kelamin: Laki-laki
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
Surabaya, October 26, 2024 – A man named Dominggus Djawa (45) was reported to have fallen into the sea at Kalimas Wharf, in front of Warehouse 608, on the morning of Saturday, October 26, 2024. The incident occurred at approximately 5:35 LT when the victim, who was neither a crew member nor a worker at the location, reportedly tried to cross from the vessel to the dock using a wooden bridge but slipped and fell.
Chronology of the Incident
The Tanjung Perak Class II PLP Station in Surabaya received information regarding a “Man Overboard” (MOB) incident around 7:55 LT. CCTV footage from Pelindo showed the victim crossing from KM. Samudra Perkasa 8 towards the dock when the accident occurred.
The PLP SAR Team, consisting of SAR units, crew members from KNP 371, and KNP 329, immediately headed to the scene at 8:00 LT to begin the search. The search operation, which involved Basarnas, and the East Java Regional Police, was concentrated around the area where the victim had fallen. At 9:20 LT, the victim was located along the edge of Kalimas Wharf, but unfortunately, he was found deceased.
Follow-up Actions and Coordination
After the body was recovered, the SAR team transported the victim to the Police Dock and subsequently to Dr. Sutomo Regional Hospital for autopsy and further procedures. The Tanjung Perak PLP Station coordinated with various relevant agencies, including the Tanjung Perak Main KSOP, VTS Surabaya, Basarnas Surabaya, and the East Java Regional Police, to manage further actions and investigation into the incident.
Victim Information:
- Name: Dominggus Djawa
- Age: 45 years
- Address: Kalimas Baru 2 Buntu 278, RT/RW 013/009, North Perak Subdistrict, Pabean Cantian District, Surabaya
- Gender: Male