Kamis, 31 Oktober 2024

Perompakan Kapal MT. Al Derwazah Di Perairan Batam: Kru Selamat, Barang Berharga Dirampok / Piracy Incident On MT. Al Derwazah In Batam Waters: Crew Safe, Valuables Stolen

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Kapal mega tanker MT. Al Derwazah (9KFP) mengalami insiden perompakan saat sedang dalam perjalanan dari Kuwait menuju China. Kejadian ini dilaporkan terjadi pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2024, sekitar pukul 23:15 LT, saat kapal melintasi Racon Delta di Selat Durian, Takong, dekat Batu Ampar, Kota Batam.

Informasi awal mengenai perampokan diterima oleh Batam Vessel Traffic Service (VTS), yang segera meneruskan laporan ke Pangkalan PLP Tanjung Uban dan Ditpolairud Polda Kepri. Pukul 23:20 LT, VTS Batam mengonfirmasi bahwa kondisi kru kapal, yang berjumlah 33 orang, dalam keadaan aman. Dalam respons cepat, KPLP melauli KNP 376 dan KNP Kalimashada bersiap untuk menuju lokasi insiden.

Pada pukul 01:56 LT, enam personil POLAIR menggunakan rubber boat (KP. Brata) naik ke atas kapal untuk melakukan pengecekan kondisi kapal dan kru. Tim gabungan dari Ditpolairud Polda Kepri, Patroli BKO Ditpolairud Baharkam, dan petugas KPLP melanjutkan pemeriksaan.

Setibanya di lokasi, mereka menemukan Chief Engineer kapal terikat di ruang mesin setelah dirampok oleh para pelaku. Barang-barang pribadi milik Chief Engineer, termasuk handphone, dompet, jam tangan, dan kalung, telah diambil oleh perompak.

Kejadian ini terungkap ketika Second Engineer menemukan Chief Engineer dan segera mengaktifkan alarm darurat. Alarm tersebut membuat para perompak melarikan diri sebelum tim patroli tiba.

Penyisiran yang dilakukan di kapal menunjukkan bahwa para pelaku telah berhasil melarikan diri. Meskipun insiden ini diduga terekam oleh CCTV kapal, kru tidak mengizinkan pemeriksaan rekaman, sehingga menyulitkan penyelidikan lebih lanjut terkait identitas pelaku. Setelah semua pengecekan selesai, MT. Al Derwazah melanjutkan perjalanan ke China pada pukul 04:15 LT.

Peristiwa ini menjadi peringatan bagi kapal-kapal yang melintasi jalur strategis seperti Selat Singapura dan perairan sekitar Batam, yang kerap menjadi target perompakan. Patroli di wilayah tersebut juga diperketat untuk mencegah kejadian serupa di masa mendatang.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



The mega tanker MT. Al Derwazah (9KFP) experienced a piracy incident while en route from Kuwait to China. The event occurred on October 22, 2024, at approximately 23:15 LT, as the ship was passing Racon Delta in Selat Durian, Takong, near Batu Ampar, Batam City.

Initial information about the piracy was received by the Batam Vessel Traffic Service (VTS), which promptly forwarded the report to the Tanjung Uban PLP Base and Ditpolairud Polda Kepri. At 23:20 LT, VTS Batam confirmed that the 33 crew members were safe. In a quick response, KPLP deployed KNP 376 and KNP Kalimashada to head to the incident location.

At 01:56 LT, six POLAIR personnel using a rubber boat (KP. Brata) boarded the vessel to check the condition of the ship and crew. A joint team from Ditpolairud Polda Kepri, Baharkam BKO Patrol, and KPLP officers continued the inspection.

Upon arrival, they found the Chief Engineer of the ship tied up in the engine room after being robbed by the assailants. Personal items belonging to the Chief Engineer, including a mobile phone, wallet, watch, and necklace, had been taken by the pirates.

The incident was uncovered when the Second Engineer found the Chief Engineer and immediately activated the emergency alarm. The alarm caused the assailants to flee before the patrol team arrived.

A search conducted on the ship revealed that the perpetrators had successfully escaped. Although the incident was reportedly captured by the ship's CCTV, the crew did not allow the inspection of the footage, complicating further investigations regarding the identity of the assailants. After all checks were completed, MT. Al Derwazah resumed its journey to China at 04:15 LT.

This incident serves as a warning for vessels navigating strategic routes such as the Singapore Strait and the waters around Batam, which are frequently targeted by pirates. Patrols in the area have also been intensified to prevent similar incidents in the future.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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