Senin, 21 Oktober 2024, proses evakuasi korban kapal tenggelam KLM Sukses Sejahtera berhasil dilakukan di perairan barat laut Gosong Aling. Berikut kronologi evakuasi:
Pukul 20.20 WIB KM Dharma Kariika dengan callsign YCXIZ berkomunikasi melalui QSO, melaporkan posisinya berada 4 mil barat laut dari Gosong Aling, dalam pelayaran dari Pontianak menuju Semarang. Saat itu, kapal tersebut turut serta dalam upaya pencarian korban kapal tenggelam KLM Sukses Sejahtera yang posisinya berada pada koordinat 02°58'12"S - 109°25'68"T. Informasi awal diperoleh dari MV Duta Azzam (callsign 9MWJ9, MMSI 533130553), yang memberikan lokasi perkiraan korban.
Pukul 21.21 WIB KM Dharma Kariika kembali mengadakan komunikasi melalui QSO. Informasi terbaru menyebutkan bahwa MV Duta Azzam telah menemukan 8 orang korban yang berada di atas rakit penyelamat. Namun, MV Duta Azzam tidak dapat memberikan bantuan langsung karena kondisi kapal yang terlalu tinggi dan panjang untuk mengevakuasi para korban. KM Dharma Kariika kemudian segera menginformasikan bahwa kapal mereka sedang menuju ke lokasi untuk melakukan evakuasi.
Pukul 21.35 WIB KM Dharma Kariika melaporkan bahwa seluruh korban, yang berjumlah 8 orang, telah berhasil diselamatkan dan berada dalam kondisi selamat di atas KM Dharma Kariika 7. Setelah proses evakuasi selesai, kapal melanjutkan pelayaran menuju Semarang dengan estimasi waktu kedatangan di Pelabuhan Semarang pada tanggal 21 Oktober 2024, pukul 14.37 waktu setempat (LT).
Proses penyelamatan ini menunjukkan kerja sama yang baik antara kapal-kapal di perairan, serta kesigapan dalam merespons situasi darurat. Para korban dipastikan dalam kondisi aman dan akan segera mendapatkan perawatan lebih lanjut setibanya di Semarang. (Sumber: KSOP Tanjung Emas, Disnav Tanjung Emas)
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
Monday, October 21, 2024, the evacuation process for the victims of the KLM Sukses Sejahtera shipwreck was successfully carried out in the waters northwest of Gosong Aling. The following is the chronology of the evacuation:
At 8:20 PM WIB KM Dharma Kariika, with callsign YCXIZ, communicated via QSO, reporting its position 4 miles northwest of Gosong Aling, en route from Pontianak to Semarang. At that time, the vessel was also involved in the search for the victims of the KLM Sukses Sejahtera shipwreck, located at coordinates 02°58'12"S - 109°25'68"E. Initial information was obtained from MV Duta Azzam (callsign 9MWJ9, MMSI 533130553), which provided the approximate location of the victims.
At 9:21 PM WIB KM Dharma Kariika communicated again via QSO. The latest information indicated that MV Duta Azzam had found eight victims aboard a lifeboat. However, MV Duta Azzam was unable to assist due to the vessel being too high and long to carry out the rescue. KM Dharma Kariika then promptly informed that they were heading to the location to perform the evacuation.
At 9:35 PM WIB KM Dharma Kariika reported that all eight victims had been successfully rescued and were in safe condition aboard KM Dharma Kariika 7. After the evacuation process was completed, the vessel continued its voyage to Semarang, with an estimated time of arrival at Semarang Port on October 21, 2024, at 2:37 PM local time (LT).
This rescue operation highlights the excellent cooperation between vessels in the waters and their swift response to the emergency situation. The victims were confirmed to be in safe condition and will receive further care upon arrival in Semarang. (Source: KSOP Tanjung Emas, Disnav Tanjung Emas)
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]