Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2024

Evakuasi Medis ABK Kapal AL MURABBA Di Perairan Banda Aceh // Medical Evacuation Of Crew Member From AL MURABBA Ship In Banda Aceh Waters

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Sabang, 18 Oktober 2024 – Satu orang anak buah kapal (ABK) dari kapal kontainer AL MURABBA bendera Liberia, terpaksa dievakuasi setelah mengalami kondisi darurat medis akibat penyakit Diabetes Melitus tipe 1. Evakuasi dilakukan pada jarak 245 mil laut dari Pulau Weh (Sabang) saat kapal tersebut sedang dalam pelayaran dari Barcelona, Spanyol menuju Singapura.

Kapal AL MURABBA dengan panjang 368,52 meter dan tonase bruto 153.148 GT, berlayar dengan kecepatan 18-20 knot ketika menerima arahan dari otoritas setempat untuk bergerak ke titik evakuasi medis di koordinat 05° 40' 00.00" N, 095° 16' 00.00" E, sekitar 3,5 mil laut dari Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh.

Proses evakuasi dimulai pada pukul 16.40 LT, saat tim SAR, pihak Kesyahbandaran, dan unsur terkait lainnya menerima informasi dari Srop Sabang melalui frekuensi radio HF 6215.0 kHz dan Channel 16. Kapal diarahkan ke posisi intercept untuk melakukan evakuasi medis terhadap ABK bernama Gladenkiy, warga negara Ukraina yang mengalami kondisi kritis akibat tingginya kadar gula darah (Blood Sugar HI).

Pada 19 Oktober 2024 pukul 00.35 LT, kapal SAR Kn. Krisna tiba di lokasi evakuasi dan segera melakukan proses medevac. Korban berhasil dievakuasi dan dibawa ke Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue sebelum dilarikan ke RSU Zainal Abidin, Banda Aceh, untuk penanganan medis lebih lanjut. Proses evakuasi selesai pada pukul 02.30 LT, dan kapal AL MURABBA melanjutkan pelayarannya menuju Singapura.

Cuaca saat evakuasi dilaporkan mendung dengan hujan ringan, kecepatan angin 15 knot dari barat ke timur laut, serta gelombang laut mencapai 1 meter.

Pihak Srop Sabang menyampaikan terima kasih atas kerja sama semua pihak dalam proses evakuasi yang berlangsung lancar dan tepat waktu.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


English Version

Sabang, October 18, 2024 – A crew member from the Liberian-flagged container ship AL MURABBA had to be evacuated after experiencing a medical emergency due to Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. The evacuation took place 245 nautical miles from Weh Island (Sabang) while the vessel was en route from Barcelona, Spain to Singapore.

The AL MURABBA, measuring 368.52 meters in length and with a gross tonnage of 153,148 GT, was sailing at a speed of 18-20 knots when it received directions from local authorities to head to the medical evacuation point at coordinates 05° 40' 00.00" N, 095° 16' 00.00" E, approximately 3.5 nautical miles from Ulee Lheue Port, Banda Aceh.

The evacuation process began at 16:40 LT, when the SAR team, the Port Authority, and other relevant entities received information from Srop Sabang via HF radio frequency 6215.0 kHz and Channel 16. The ship was directed to the intercept position to carry out the medical evacuation of the crew member, Gladenkiy, a Ukrainian national who was in critical condition due to dangerously high blood sugar levels (Blood Sugar HI).

On October 19, 2024, at 00:35 LT, the SAR vessel Kn. Krisna arrived at the evacuation location and promptly conducted the medevac operation. The patient was successfully evacuated and brought to Ulee Lheue Port before being transferred to Zainal Abidin General Hospital in Banda Aceh for further medical treatment. The evacuation process was completed at 02:30 LT, and the AL MURABBA continued its journey to its destination port in Singapore.

The weather during the evacuation was reported as overcast with light rain, wind speeds of 15 knots from the west to the northeast, and sea waves reaching 1 meter in height.

Srop Sabang expressed gratitude to all parties involved for their cooperation in ensuring a smooth and timely evacuation process.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]

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