Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2024

KM. Nyaman Catamaran 1 Tenggelam Di Selat Lombok, Seluruh Kru Dan Penumpang Berhasil Diselamatkan // KM. Nyaman Catamaran 1 Sinks In Lombok Strait, All Crew And Passengers Successfully Rescue

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Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2024, KM. Nyaman Catamaran 1 GT 17 mengalami kecelakaan di perairan Selat Lombok. Kapal ini mengangkut 3 orang ABK dan 2 penumpang. Kapal tersebut bertolak dari Jeti Serangan dengan tujuan Lembar. KM. Nyaman Catamaran 1 milik PT. Rumah Kapal Indonesia serta diageni oleh PT. Adi Putra Narasi.

Menurut laporan yang diterima, insiden tersebut terjadi pada pukul 15.42 WITA, saat kapal berada di posisi 10 mil dari Gili Gede, menuju arah Nusa Penida. Lokasi tepatnya berada pada koordinat 8°41'26.57" LS dan 115°45'35.19" BT. KM. Nyaman Catamaran 1 mengalami kecelakaan.

Pada pukul 18.54 WITA, PPLP Tanjung Perak menerima informasi dari KSOP Benoa terkait insiden tersebut. Segera setelah menerima informasi, Basarnas mengerahkan RB. 200 menuju lokasi kejadian. Tim evakuasi tiba pada pukul 18.30 WITA dan berhasil menyelamatkan seluruh ABK dan penumpang. Kelima orang tersebut dibawa dalam kondisi selamat ke Padang Bai, Bali.

Hingga saat ini, belum ada laporan mengenai korban jiwa dalam insiden ini, namun status pencemaran lingkungan dan total kerugian masih dalam tahap investigasi. Kapal diduga tenggelam di perairan Selat Lombok pada kedalaman 500 meter. Pihak berwenang, termasuk KSOP Benoa, KSOP Lembar, VTS Benoa, dan Basarnas Lembar, bersama PPLP Tanjung Perak terus berkoordinasi dalam upaya penanganan lebih lanjut.

Kapal Negara (KN) Chundamani P. 116 juga disiagakan di Pelabuhan Benoa sebagai langkah antisipasi, sementara pengumpulan informasi terkait penyebab kecelakaan masih dilakukan. Investigasi lebih lanjut diharapkan dapat segera memberikan kejelasan mengenai kerugian yang ditimbulkan dari insiden ini.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


English Version

On Saturday, October 12, 2024, KM. Nyaman Catamaran 1 GT 17 was involved in an accident in the Lombok Strait waters. The vessel was carrying three crew members and two passengers. It had departed from Jeti Serangan with Lembar as its destination. KM. Nyaman Catamaran 1 is owned by PT. Rumah Kapal Indonesia and is represented by PT. Adi Putra Narasi.

According to the report received, the incident occurred at 15:42 WITA, when the vessel was located 10 nautical miles from Gili Gede, heading towards Nusa Penida. The exact coordinates were 8°41'26.57" S and 115°45'35.19" E. KM. Nyaman Catamaran 1 had encountered an accident.

At 18:54 WITA, the Sea and Coast Guard Base (PPLP) in Tanjung Perak received information from the Benoa Port Authority (KSOP) regarding the incident. Immediately after receiving the information, Basarnas deployed RB. 200 to the scene. The evacuation team arrived at 18:30 WITA and successfully rescued all crew members and passengers. All five individuals were safely transported to Padang Bai, Bali.

As of now, there have been no reports of casualties from this incident; however, the status of environmental pollution and the total damage incurred are still under investigation. The vessel is suspected to have sunk in the Lombok Strait waters at a depth of 500 meters. Authorities, including KSOP Benoa, KSOP Lembar, VTS Benoa, and Basarnas Lembar, along with PPLP Tanjung Perak, continue to coordinate further handling efforts.

The patrol vessel KN Chundamani P. 116 has also been placed on standby at Benoa Port as a precautionary measure, while information gathering regarding the cause of the accident is ongoing. Further investigations are expected to soon provide clarity on the damages caused by this incident.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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