Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2024

Kebakaran Speedboat Bela 72 Yang Membawa Rombongan Paslon Gubernur Maluku Utara Di Pelabuhan Bobong // Fire On Speedboat Bela 72 Carrying The North Maluku Governor Candidate’s Entourage At Bobong Port

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Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2024, sekitar pukul 14.05 WIT, terjadi ledakan hebat di speedboat Bela 72 yang ditumpangi oleh rombongan pasangan calon (Paslon) Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Maluku Utara nomor urut 4, Benny Laos dan Sabrin Sehe, beserta timnya, di Pelabuhan Regional Bobong, Desa Bobong, Kecamatan Taliabu Barat, Kabupaten Pulau Taliabu. Ledakan tersebut memicu kebakaran yang menghanguskan seluruh bagian speedboat.

Menurut laporan awal, sebelum insiden terjadi, rombongan Paslon sudah berada di dalam speedboat, dan kapal sedang melakukan pengisian bahan bakar. Rombongan bertujuan untuk melaksanakan kampanye di Desa Kawalo, Kecamatan Taliabu Barat. Saat pengisian bahan bakar berlangsung, ledakan tiba-tiba terjadi, disusul dengan kobaran api yang melahap seluruh kapal.

Jumlah total penumpang belum dapat dipastikan, namun hingga saat ini 10 orang berhasil dievakuasi. Di antara korban yang berhasil dievakuasi adalah Calon Gubernur Benny Laos dan istrinya. Benny Laos dilaporkan mengalami patah kaki dan luka bakar, dan saat ini sedang menjalani tindakan resusitasi jantung (RJP). Korban lainnya, Anggota DPRD Provinsi Maluku Utara, Ester, dilaporkan meninggal dunia dan telah dievakuasi ke klinik Dokter Ama.

Proses evakuasi terus berlangsung, sementara beberapa korban masih terjebak di dalam speedboat yang terbakar. Pemadaman api dilakukan oleh petugas Damkar, dibantu TNI, POLRI, dan masyarakat sekitar.

Speedboat Bela 72, yang terdaftar dengan tonase GT.37 dan dimiliki oleh Benny Laos, tidak memiliki dokumen yang lengkap dan tidak melapor ke Syahbandar setempat sebelum berlabuh. Keberadaan speedboat ini di Dermaga Bobong untuk kepentingan pribadi dan berkedudukan di Ternate. Pihak berwenang masih menyelidiki penyebab awal ledakan, sementara kondisi dermaga dilaporkan aman dan terkendali.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


English Version

On Saturday, October 12, 2024, at around 14:05 WIT, a massive explosion occurred on the speedboat Bela 72, which was carrying the entourage of North Maluku gubernatorial candidate number 4, Benny Laos and Sabrin Sehe, along with their team, at the Regional Port of Bobong, Bobong Village, West Taliabu District, Pulau Taliabu Regency. The explosion triggered a fire that engulfed the entire speedboat.

According to initial reports, before the incident occurred, the entourage was already aboard the speedboat, and the vessel was refueling. The group was heading to a campaign event in Kawalo Village, West Taliabu District. During the refueling process, the explosion suddenly occurred, followed by flames that consumed the entire vessel.

The total number of passengers remains uncertain, but so far, 10 people have been rescued. Among those evacuated are gubernatorial candidate Benny Laos and his wife. Benny Laos reportedly suffered a broken leg and burns and is currently undergoing CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Another victim, North Maluku Provincial DPRD member Ester, was reported dead and has been evacuated to Doctor Ama’s clinic.

The evacuation process is ongoing, with some victims still trapped inside the burning speedboat. Firefighting efforts were carried out by local fire services, assisted by the TNI, POLRI, and local residents.

Speedboat Bela 72, registered with a gross tonnage of 37 GT and owned by Benny Laos, did not have complete documentation and failed to report to the local Harbor Master before docking. The speedboat was being used for private purposes and was based in Ternate. Authorities are still investigating the initial cause of the explosion, while the condition of the dock has been reported as secure and under control.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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