Rabu, 9 Oktober 2024

Tongkang TK. Box Lima Dengan Muatan Pasir Silika Mengalami Hogging Di Jetty PT. Guntur Adiwiguna, Kumai // TK. Box Lima Barge Carrying Silica Sand Experiences Hogging At PT. Guntur Adiwiguna Jetty, Kumai

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Kumai, 9 Oktober 2024 – Sebuah insiden besar terjadi di perairan Kumai saat tongkang TK. Box Lima mengalami patah di bagian tengah (hogging) saat proses pemuatan pasir silika di Jetty PT. Guntur. Kejadian tersebut dilaporkan pada pukul 10.40 WIB oleh Nahkoda KN.P.489, yang menerima informasi bahwa tongkang tersebut terbelah dua saat dalam proses muatan.

Menurut laporan yang diterima, insiden ini terjadi sekitar pukul 03.35 WIB ketika TK. Box Lima sedang dimuat dengan pasir silika. Saat itu, muatan awal yang sudah berada di atas tongkang mencapai 3000 MT dari kapasitas total 5000 MT. Namun, secara tiba-tiba, tongkang mengalami patah tengah, mengakibatkan terbelah menjadi dua bagian.

Dampak Kejadian:

  • Kapal: TK. Box Lima terbelah menjadi dua, menyebabkan kerusakan besar pada struktur kapal.
  • Muatan: Sebagian besar muatan pasir silika yang ada di atas kapal terendam air, sementara sejumlah pasir juga jatuh ke laut.
  • Kehilangan di Luar Kapal: Sejumlah pasir silika hilang ke laut dan merusak nilai ekonomis muatan.

Tindakan Penanganan: Nahkoda KN.P.489 segera melakukan pemeriksaan di lokasi dan berkoordinasi dengan KSOP Kelas IV Kumai. Kepala KSOP Kelas IV Kumai kemudian memerintahkan langkah-langkah penanganan cepat, termasuk pemindahan muatan dan pemeriksaan kondisi kapal.

Proses pemindahan muatan sedang diatur, dan pihak berwenang terus memantau situasi untuk meminimalkan dampak kerusakan lebih lanjut. Hingga saat ini, belum ada laporan korban jiwa, namun kerugian material cukup signifikan, terutama pada muatan pasir silika yang terendam air.

Investigasi lebih lanjut mengenai penyebab utama patahnya tongkang sedang dilakukan, sembari pihak terkait terus berkoordinasi untuk memastikan keselamatan navigasi di sekitar area tersebut.


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Kumai, October 9, 2024 – A major incident occurred in Kumai waters when the TK. Box Lima barge suffered a midsection break (hogging) during the loading of silica sand at the PT. Guntur Jetty. The incident was reported at 10:40 AM WIB by Captain KN.P.489, who received information that the barge had split in two during the loading process.

According to the report, the incident took place around 3:35 AM WIB when TK. Box Lima was being loaded with silica sand. At the time, the initial load on the barge had reached 3,000 MT out of a total capacity of 5,000 MT. However, suddenly, the barge broke in the middle, causing it to split into two parts.

Impact of the Incident:

  • Vessel: TK. Box Lima split into two, causing significant structural damage to the barge.
  • Cargo: A large portion of the silica sand cargo on the barge was submerged in water, with some of the sand falling into the sea.
  • External Losses: A portion of the silica sand cargo was lost to the sea, diminishing the economic value of the shipment.

Response Actions: Captain KN.P.489 immediately conducted an inspection at the scene and coordinated with KSOP Class IV Kumai. The Head of KSOP Class IV Kumai ordered swift response measures, including the transfer of cargo and an inspection of the barge’s condition.

The cargo transfer process is currently being organized, and authorities are closely monitoring the situation to minimize further damage. As of now, there have been no reports of casualties, but the material loss is substantial, especially with the silica sand cargo submerged in water.

Further investigation into the root cause of the barge's break is ongoing, as relevant parties continue to coordinate to ensure navigation safety in the area.


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