Rabu, 9 Oktober 2024

Penemuan Mayat Di Dermaga Pelabuhan Buli, Korban Diduga Hilang Sejak Minggu Malam // Discovery Of A Body At Buli Port Dock, Victim Suspected Missing Since Sunday Night

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Buli, 9 Oktober 2024 – Warga Dermaga Pelabuhan Buli dikejutkan dengan penemuan sesosok mayat pada Rabu pagi, pukul 09.00 WIT. Jenazah yang ditemukan mengapung di sekitar perairan dermaga langsung memicu reaksi cepat dari pihak berwenang. Koordinasi segera dilakukan dengan Kepolisian, Angkatan Laut, dan Pol Air untuk proses evakuasi.

Evakuasi jenazah berlangsung pukul 09.40 WIT, ketika tim gabungan berhasil mengangkat tubuh korban dari laut dan membawanya ke mobil polisi untuk selanjutnya dibawa ke Puskesmas Desa Buli. Korban diidentifikasi sebagai Yandris Manyila, warga setempat.

Menurut keterangan sementara dari Barus, rekan korban yang juga anggota Tenaga Kerja Bongkar Muat (TKBM), korban terakhir kali terlihat pada Minggu sore sekitar pukul 17.30 WIT saat membantu nelayan mengangkut es batu ke perahu. Setelah itu, korban tidak kembali ke tempat tinggalnya di kantor TKBM. Kabar hilangnya korban pun baru diketahui setelah ia tak kembali pada malam harinya.

Pihak kepolisian kini masih melakukan penyelidikan lebih lanjut terkait penyebab kematian korban. Hingga berita ini diturunkan, proses identifikasi dan pemeriksaan medis masih berlangsung di Puskesmas Desa Buli.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


Buli, October 9, 2024 – Residents at Buli Port Dock were shocked by the discovery of a body on Wednesday morning, at 9:00 AM WIT. The body, found floating near the dock waters, immediately prompted a swift response from authorities. Coordination was quickly established with the Police, Navy, and Water Police for the evacuation process.

The evacuation of the body took place at 9:40 AM WIT, when the joint team successfully retrieved the victim's body from the water and transported it to a police vehicle, which then took it to the Buli Village Health Center. The victim was identified as Yandris Manyila, a local resident.

According to preliminary information from Barus, a colleague of the victim and a member of the dockworkers' union (TKBM), the victim was last seen on Sunday afternoon around 5:30 PM WIT while helping fishermen load ice into their boats. After that, he did not return to his residence at the TKBM office. His disappearance was only realized when he failed to return by Sunday night.

The police are currently conducting further investigations into the cause of the victim's death. As of this report, identification and medical examinations are still ongoing at the Buli Village Health Center.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]

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