Kamis, 3 Oktober 2024

Insiden Kebakaran KM. La Bounce Di Perairan Teluk Kendari, Berhasil Dipadamkan Tanpa Korban Jiwa // Fire Incident On KM La Bounce In Kendari Waters Successfully Extinguished Without Casualties

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Kendari, 03 Oktober 2024 – Sebuah insiden kebakaran terjadi di kapal penangkap ikan KM La Bounce di perairan Teluk Kendari, tepatnya di sebelah Jembatan Teluk Kendari, pada Kamis sore. Kebakaran yang diduga berasal dari kamar mesin kapal tersebut dengan cepat menjalar ke ruang kemudi dan haluan kapal.

Peristiwa kebakaran terjadi sekitar pukul 17.00 WITA. Nakhoda kapal, Mustofa, beserta awak kapal dan warga setempat segera berupaya memadamkan api dengan menggunakan mesin alkon, namun kobaran api terlalu besar untuk diatasi dengan peralatan tersebut. Kapal KM La Bounce, yang saat itu dalam proses docking untuk perbaikan lambung, berada dalam kondisi miring ke kanan.

Upaya penyelamatan mendapatkan bantuan sekitar pukul 17.30 WITA, ketika dua unit mobil pemadam kebakaran tiba di lokasi untuk memadamkan api. Sayangnya, kapal patroli KN.P 370 yang turut membantu tidak dapat mendekat ke lokasi kejadian akibat kondisi air yang sedang surut.

Penyebab kebakaran diduga berasal dari arus pendek listrik yang bersumber dari rumah warga setempat, Pak Rasain Tata, yang menyambungkan listrik ke kamar mesin kapal. Di dalam kamar mesin tersebut, terdapat tangki harian berisi sekitar 15 liter bahan bakar minyak yang diduga mempercepat penyebaran api.

Petugas pemadam kebakaran bersama masyarakat setempat bekerja keras memadamkan api, dan akhirnya, sekitar pukul 18.40 WITA, kobaran api berhasil dikendalikan sepenuhnya oleh tim Damkar Kota Kendari.

Beruntung, tidak ada korban jiwa dalam insiden ini. Meski demikian, kerugian materiil diperkirakan cukup besar akibat kerusakan pada bagian kapal. Personel yang terlibat dalam upaya pemadaman juga terus menjaga keselamatan dan kesehatan selama proses tersebut.

Kejadian ini menjadi pengingat pentingnya kewaspadaan dalam penggunaan sumber listrik di sekitar bahan mudah terbakar, terutama pada kapal-kapal yang sedang dalam perbaikan.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



Kendari, October 3, 2024 – A fire broke out on the fishing vessel KM La Bounce in the waters of Teluk Kendari, near the Kendari Bay Bridge, on Thursday afternoon. The fire, which is suspected to have originated from the ship’s engine room, quickly spread to the wheelhouse and the bow of the vessel.

The incident occurred at approximately 5:00 PM local time. The ship’s captain, Mustofa, along with the crew and local residents, immediately attempted to extinguish the fire using an Alkon pump, but the flames were too intense to be controlled with the available equipment. At the time of the fire, KM La Bounce was docked for hull repairs and was listing to the right.

Firefighting efforts received support around 5:30 PM when two fire trucks arrived at the scene to help extinguish the blaze. Unfortunately, the KN.P 370 patrol ship, which also responded, was unable to get close to the scene due to low water levels.

The fire is believed to have been caused by an electrical short circuit from a power source connected from a local resident’s house, Mr. Rasain Tata, to the ship’s engine room. Inside the engine room, a daily fuel tank containing approximately 15 liters of fuel is suspected to have accelerated the spread of the fire.

Firefighters, with the help of local residents, worked diligently to bring the fire under control, and by around 6:40 PM, the flames were fully extinguished by the Kendari City Fire Department.

Fortunately, there were no casualties in the incident. However, the material damage is expected to be significant due to the extent of damage to the ship. Personnel involved in the firefighting efforts ensured that safety and health protocols were observed throughout the operation.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of caution when using electrical sources around flammable materials, especially on ships undergoing repairs.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]

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