Kamis, 3 Oktober 2024

MV Sinar Pajajaran Mengalami Benturan Dengan Tongkang Soekawati 207 Di Alur Masuk Banjarmasin, Kebocoran Terjadi Di Haluan Kapal // MV Sinar Pajajaran Collides With Barge Soekawati 207 In Banjarmasin Entry Channel, Bow Leakage Reported

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Banjarmasin, 2 Oktober 2024 – Kapal MV Sinar Pajajaran tiba di Outer Buoy (OB) Banjarmasin pada Rabu, 2 Oktober 2024, pukul 12.30 waktu setempat (LT). Setelah satu jam pemberitahuan ke ruang mesin, kapal mulai manuver untuk menaikkan pilot pada pukul 13.12 LT, dan pukul 13.32 LT, pilot naik ke kapal di posisi 03°40.719'S/114°28.431'E. Kapal kemudian memasuki alur yang cukup ramai dengan kondisi arus surut dan kecepatan angin mencapai 32 knot dari tenggara (SE).

Saat mendekati posisi 03°32.63'S/114°29.38'E, tugboat TB Michelle 219-03 yang menarik tongkang JAUHAR tiba-tiba mengubah haluan ke barat untuk menghindari "zero-zero." Pilot di MV Sinar Pajajaran telah berkomunikasi melalui Radio VHF meminta TB Michelle untuk tetap lurus agar tidak menghalangi alur. Di saat yang sama, tugboat TB TSE 3 yang menarik tongkang SOEKAWATI 207 bergerak keluar alur, dan pilot kembali berkomunikasi meminta TB TSE 3 untuk terus menarik ke arah yang benar. Namun, tongkang SOEKAWATI 207 telah melintang jauh ke timur.

Karena alur tertutup oleh TB Michelle 219-03 dan TB TSE 3, MV Sinar Pajajaran menghentikan mesin dan mundur perlahan. Meskipun upaya ini dilakukan, benturan dengan tongkang SOEKAWATI 207 tak dapat dihindari di posisi 03°32.63'S/114°29.38'E. Setelah benturan terjadi, nakhoda berencana untuk berlabuh guna memeriksa kondisi kapal, namun karena kepadatan alur, kapal melanjutkan pelayaran untuk sandar di TPK Banjarmasin dengan kondisi kebocoran pada tangki forepeak.

Setelah melakukan perhitungan stabilitas kapal yang menunjukkan tidak ada bahaya, nakhoda bersama pilot melanjutkan pelayaran untuk sandar. Pada pukul 17.06 LT, MV Sinar Pajajaran berhasil bersandar dengan aman di TPK Banjarmasin. Setelah sandar, kru kapal melakukan pengecekan haluan dan ditemukan kebocoran pada linggi haluan kapal yang menembus hingga ke tangki forepeak dengan ukuran kerusakan mencapai 4800 mm x 1450 mm.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



English Version

Banjarmasin, October 2, 2024 – The MV Sinar Pajajaran arrived at the Outer Buoy (OB) of Banjarmasin on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 12:30 local time (LT). After a one-hour notice to the engine room, the vessel began maneuvering to embark the pilot at 13:12 LT, and by 13:32 LT, the pilot had boarded at position 03°40.719'S/114°28.431'E. The vessel then entered a busy channel with ebbing currents and wind speeds reaching 32 knots from the southeast (SE).

As the vessel approached position 03°32.63'S/114°29.38'E, tugboat TB Michelle 219-03, towing barge JAUHAR, suddenly altered its course westward to avoid a "zero-zero" situation. The pilot aboard MV Sinar Pajajaran communicated via VHF radio, advising TB Michelle to maintain a straight course to avoid blocking the channel. Simultaneously, tugboat TB TSE 3, towing barge SOEKAWATI 207, was moving out of the channel. The pilot again communicated via VHF radio, instructing TB TSE 3 to continue pulling straight. However, barge SOEKAWATI 207 had already drifted far to the east.

With the channel blocked by both TB Michelle 219-03 and TB TSE 3, MV Sinar Pajajaran was forced to stop its engine and reverse slowly. Despite these efforts, a collision with barge SOEKAWATI 207 occurred at position 03°32.63'S/114°29.38'E. After the collision, the captain planned to anchor for a damage inspection, but due to the crowded channel, the vessel continued sailing toward the berth at TPK Banjarmasin, noting additional water in the forepeak tank.

After calculating the ship's stability and confirming there was no imminent danger, the captain and pilot proceeded to berth the vessel. At 17:06 LT, MV Sinar Pajajaran safely berthed at TPK Banjarmasin. Once docked, the crew inspected the bow and discovered a leak in the stem post that extended into the forepeak tank, with the damage measuring 4800 mm x 1450 mm.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]




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