Rabu, 2 Oktober 2024

1 Orang Penumpang Feri KMP Wayangan Ditemukan Meninggal, Diduga Akibat Serangan Jantung // 1 Ferry Passenger Found Dead On KMP Wayangan, Suspected Heart Attack

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Ambon, 1 Oktober 2024 - Seorang pria bernama Roberth Novalino Aijal (53), seorang pegawai negeri sipil (guru) asal Desa Siompo, Kairatu Barat, Seram Barat, ditemukan meninggal di atas Feri KMP Wayangan yang bersandar di Dermaga Galala, Halong, Kecamatan Baguala, Kota Ambon. Penemuan jenazah terjadi pada Selasa, 1 Oktober 2024, sekitar pukul 05.00 WIT.

Kronologi Kejadian

Menurut keterangan saksi, Irvan Usman (34), seorang ABK Feri KMP Wayangan, awalnya ia mendapat informasi dari seorang penumpang bahwa ada penumpang yang meninggal di dek dua kapal. Saat itu, Irvan sedang berada di kantin dek tiga dan segera turun untuk memeriksa situasi. Ketika tiba di tempat korban beristirahat, saksi mendapati korban dalam posisi tengkurap dan sudah tidak bernyawa.

Saksi sempat memeriksa barang bawaan korban untuk mencari identitas, namun tidak menemukan satupun. Ia kemudian mengambil ponsel korban dan menghubungi nomor terakhir yang tercatat di log panggilan. Irvan pun memberitahukan bahwa pemilik ponsel, yakni korban, telah meninggal dunia dalam perjalanan dari Namlea menuju Ambon.

Istri korban, Neltjie Kainama (54), mengungkapkan bahwa pada malam sebelumnya, sekitar pukul 20.00 WIT, korban sempat menghubunginya melalui telepon dan meminta untuk dijemput pada pukul 06.00 WIT di Dermaga Galala. Korban juga sempat mengeluhkan rasa kram di tangannya yang menjalar hingga ke jantung. Istrinya kemudian menyarankan agar korban segera beristirahat dan berdoa. Percakapan terputus, dan Neltjie mengira suaminya sedang berdoa. Namun, pagi harinya, ia mendapat kabar dari ABK Feri bahwa suaminya telah meninggal dunia.

Proses Evakuasi

Pada pukul 07.30 WIT, Kapolsek Baguala, IPTU Maichel Alfons, bersama lima personel Polsek Baguala tiba di lokasi penemuan jenazah. Kemudian, pada pukul 08.40 WIT, tim identifikasi dari Polresta Ambon yang dipimpin oleh IPDA Marines Talahatu, tiba di lokasi dan mengevakuasi jenazah korban ke Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara untuk pemeriksaan lebih lanjut.

Hasil Pemeriksaan dan Penanganan Keluarga

Pihak keluarga, melalui istri korban, telah mengikhlaskan kepergian Roberth Novalino Aijal. Sebelumnya, korban sempat menyampaikan keluhan mengenai kondisi kesehatannya, sehingga keluarga menolak untuk dilakukan otopsi dan telah menandatangani berita acara penolakan tersebut.

Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan luar yang dilakukan oleh dr. Arkipus Pamutu, S.Pf, tidak ditemukan tanda-tanda kekerasan pada jenazah. Almarhum diduga meninggal dunia akibat serangan jantung. Saat ini, jenazah masih berada di RS Bhayangkara menunggu transportasi untuk dipulangkan ke Saparua, tempat korban akan dimakamkan.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


English Version

Ambon, October 1, 2024 - A man named Roberth Novalino Aijal (53), a civil servant (teacher) from Siompo Village, Kairatu Barat, Seram Barat, was found dead aboard the KMP Wayangan ferry, which was docked at Galala Pier, Halong, Baguala District, Ambon City. The body was discovered on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, around 05:00 WIT.

Chronology of Events

According to a witness, Irvan Usman (34), a crew member of KMP Wayangan, he initially received information from a passenger that another passenger had died on the second deck of the ship. At that time, Irvan was in the canteen on the third deck and immediately went down to check the situation. Upon arriving at the victim's resting place, the witness found the victim lying face down and unresponsive.

The witness checked the victim's belongings to find identification but found none. He then took the victim’s phone and called the last number listed in the call log. Irvan informed the person on the other end that the owner of the phone, the victim, had passed away during the trip from Namlea to Ambon.

The victim's wife, Neltjie Kainama (54), stated that the night before, around 20:00 WIT, her husband had called her and requested to be picked up at 06:00 WIT at Galala Pier. The victim had also complained about cramps in his hands that extended to his chest. His wife suggested that he rest and pray. The conversation was cut off, and Neltjie assumed her husband was praying. However, the next morning, she was informed by the ferry crew that her husband had passed away.

Evacuation Process

At 07:30 WIT, Baguala Police Chief, IPTU Maichel Alfons, along with five personnel from Baguala Police, arrived at the location where the body was found. Later, at 08:40 WIT, an identification team from Ambon City Police, led by IPDA Marines Talahatu, arrived at the scene and evacuated the victim's body to Bhayangkara Hospital for further examination.

Examination Results and Family’s Response

The victim’s family, through his wife, has accepted Roberth Novalino Aijal’s passing. Prior to his death, he had expressed discomfort due to health issues, leading the family to refuse an autopsy. The family has signed an official document of refusal.

According to an external examination by Dr. Arkipus Pamutu, S.Pf, no signs of violence were found on the body. It is suspected that the deceased died of a heart attack. The body is currently at Bhayangkara Hospital, awaiting transport to Saparua, where the victim will be buried.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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