Sabtu, 21 September 2024

Kebakaran Muatan Batu Bara Di Tongkang MJL 3015 Yang Ditarik Oleh Kapal TB. Gonaya V Berhasil Dipadamkan // Coal Cargo Fire On MJL 3015 Barge Towed By TB. Gonaya V Successfully Extinguished

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TB. Gonaya V dan BG. MJL 3015 memulai perjalanan dari Jetty SIP Bayas pada Kamis, 29 Agustus 2024, setelah berhasil menyelesaikan proses pemuatan kargo sebesar 7.500,698 MT tepat pada pukul 12:05 LT. Setelah cast off dari Jetty pada pukul 13:15 hari yang sama, kapal melakukan penambatan di Pulau Tiga untuk menunggu kelengkapan dokumen. Pada Jumat, 30 Agustus 2024, dokumen tiba di kapal pada pukul 16:00, sehingga TB. Gonaya V dan BG. MJL 3015 dapat melanjutkan pelayaran pada pukul 20:00 menuju OB Kuala Cinaku. Mereka tiba di tujuan pada Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2024, dan langsung melanjutkan perjalanan ke Pelabuhan Ratu dengan perkiraan waktu tiba pada Minggu, 8 September 2024.

Namun, saat melintasi wilayah selatan Ujung Kulon pada 8 September 2024 pukul 00:30, cuaca buruk menghantam kapal. Ombak setinggi 4 hingga 5 meter dan arus kuat dengan angin berkecepatan 30 knot dari arah tenggara membuat kecepatan kapal turun drastis hingga 0,4 knot. Setelah bertahan selama empat jam di tengah kondisi tersebut, nakhoda memutuskan untuk memutar haluan pada pukul 04:00 dan menuju tempat berlindung di Liwungan, di mana mereka tiba pada 9 September 2024 pukul 03:00.

Setelah tiba di Pelabuhan Ratu pada 12 September 2024 pukul 10:00 dan mengikat di sisi kiri TB. Gonaya 0, TB. Gonaya V kembali berlayar dengan menggandeng BG. MJL 3019 dan TB. Gonaya 0 pada 13 September 2024. Namun, di tengah pelayaran, pada 14 September 2024 pukul 10:36, kabar diterima dari TB. Gonaya X bahwa kargo di BG. MJL 3015 mulai mengeluarkan asap. Keesokan harinya, 15 September 2024, TB. Gonaya V tiba di Liwungan pukul 12:00 dan segera melabuhkan BG. MJL 3015.

TB. Gonaya V memulai upaya pemadaman dengan melakukan penyiraman kargo menggunakan air tawar yang dicampur detergen dan lem fox sesuai instruksi dari kantor Masada Jaya Line. Penyiraman awal dimulai pada 15 September 2024 pukul 14:30 dengan pasokan air tawar sebanyak 5 ton dari servis Liwungan dan tambahan 10 ton air dari kapal sendiri. Namun, air cepat habis pada pukul 17:15. Malam harinya, pada pukul 21:30, penyiraman dilanjutkan setelah mendapat suplai air tambahan dari TB. Gonaya 0, tetapi kembali berhenti pada pukul 23:10.

Pada 16 September 2024, suplai air tambahan kembali diterima sebanyak 5 ton pada pagi hari dan dilakukan penyiraman berkala hingga sore hari. Kapal kemudian diarahkan untuk mengisi air tawar di Ciwandan, di mana mereka tiba pada 17 September 2024 pukul 06:00 dan mengisi air sebanyak 60 ton sebelum kembali ke Liwungan pada hari yang sama pukul 21:00 untuk melanjutkan penyiraman hingga pukul 02:00 dini hari.

Pada 19 September 2024, setelah sejumlah upaya pemadaman, TB. Global Pasific tiba di lokasi untuk membantu Gonaya V. Keduanya secara bergantian terus memadamkan api dengan menggunakan air laut hingga Sabtu, 21 September 2024. Bantuan tambahan tiba pada pukul 11:00 dalam bentuk kapal TB. Arjuna Brilliant yang membawa cairan kimia khusus untuk memadamkan api. Hingga berita ini disusun, upaya pemadaman terus berlangsung dengan harapan kargo di BG. MJL 3015 dapat segera diamankan sepenuhnya.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



TB. Gonaya V and BG. MJL 3015 began their journey from Jetty SIP Bayas on Thursday, August 29, 2024, after completing the loading of 7,500.698 MT of cargo at exactly 12:05 LT. After casting off from the jetty at 13:15 the same day, the vessel docked at Pulau Tiga to await the completion of documentation. On Friday, August 30, 2024, the documents arrived on board at 16:00, allowing TB. Gonaya V and BG. MJL 3015 to set sail at 20:00 towards OB Kuala Cinaku. They arrived at their destination on Saturday, August 31, 2024, and immediately continued their voyage to Pelabuhan Ratu with an estimated time of arrival on Sunday, September 8, 2024.

However, while passing south of Ujung Kulon on September 8, 2024, at 00:30, the vessel was struck by bad weather. Waves reaching 4 to 5 meters and strong currents, with winds blowing at 30 knots from the southeast, caused the vessel's speed to drop drastically to 0.4 knots. After enduring these conditions for four hours, the captain decided to turn the vessel around at 04:00 and head towards shelter in Liwungan, where they arrived on September 9, 2024, at 03:00.

Upon arriving at Pelabuhan Ratu on September 12, 2024, at 10:00, and mooring alongside TB. Gonaya 0, TB. Gonaya V resumed its voyage, towing BG. MJL 3019 and TB. Gonaya 0 on September 13, 2024. However, during the journey, on September 14, 2024, at 10:36, TB. Gonaya X reported that the cargo on BG. MJL 3015 had started to emit smoke. The following day, on September 15, 2024, TB. Gonaya V arrived in Liwungan at 12:00 and promptly berthed BG. MJL 3015.

TB. Gonaya V initiated firefighting efforts by spraying the cargo with freshwater mixed with detergent and Lem Fox, following instructions from the Masada Jaya Line office. The initial spraying began on September 15, 2024, at 14:30, using 5 tons of freshwater supplied by Liwungan services and an additional 10 tons from the vessel's own supply. However, the water was quickly depleted by 17:15. Later that evening, at 21:30, the spraying resumed after receiving additional water from TB. Gonaya 0, but it was halted again at 23:10 when the water supply ran out.

On September 16, 2024, additional water supplies were delivered in the morning, and periodic spraying continued throughout the day. The vessel was then directed to refill its freshwater tanks in Ciwandan, where it arrived on September 17, 2024, at 06:00 and loaded 60 tons of water before returning to Liwungan at 21:00 to resume spraying until 02:00 the next morning.

On September 19, 2024, after several firefighting attempts, TB. Global Pasific arrived at the scene to assist TB. Gonaya V. Both vessels took turns continuously extinguishing the fire with seawater until Saturday, September 21, 2024. Additional support arrived at 11:00 in the form of TB. Arjuna Brilliant, which brought chemical agents to help extinguish the fire. As of the time this report was made, firefighting efforts are ongoing, with the hope that the cargo on BG. MJL 3015 can be fully secured soon.

This incident highlights the importance of preparedness and coordination in handling maritime emergencies, particularly during extreme weather conditions. The continuous efforts by TB. Gonaya V, TB. Global Pasific, and TB. Arjuna Brilliant demonstrate the commitment to ensuring cargo safety and effectively managing emergency situations.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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