Rabu, 11 September 2024

Kapal Tongkang TK. Kapuas Jaya 303 Tenggelam Di Perairan Halmahera Selatan, Muatan 7.500 Ton Nickel Ore Tumpah Ke Laut // Barge TK. Kapuas Jaya 303 Sinks In South Halmahera Waters, 7,500 Tons Of Nickel Ore Spill Into The Sea

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Sabtu, 02 September 2024 - Sebuah kecelakaan laut terjadi di perairan Halmahera Selatan pada koordinat 0°52.207'S 128°06.277'E, di mana kapal tongkang TK. Kapuas Jaya 303 dilaporkan tenggelam akibat cuaca buruk dan gangguan teknis saat pelayaran. Kapal tersebut membawa muatan Nickel Ore seberat 7.500,216 MT. Meskipun tidak ada korban jiwa atau kerusakan pada kapal TB. Chloe 03 yang menggandeng tongkang tersebut, seluruh muatan tumpah ke laut.

Peristiwa ini bermula pada Rabu, 28 Agustus 2024, saat TB. Chloe 03 yang menggandeng TK. Kapuas Jaya 303 berlayar dari Pelabuhan Molawe, Sulawesi Tenggara, menuju Pelabuhan Weda, Maluku Utara. Selama pelayaran, kondisi cuaca buruk menghantam sisi kanan kapal, menyebabkan TK. Kapuas Jaya 303 mengalami kemiringan hingga 10 derajat akibat pergeseran muatan.

Nakhoda TB. Chloe 03, Rein Bertal Lalenoh, kemudian memutuskan untuk mencari tempat berlindung terdekat di Pulau Damar. Namun, pada Jumat, 30 Agustus 2024, kemiringan kapal semakin parah hingga mencapai 25 derajat, yang menyebabkan tarikan TB. Chloe 03 menjadi berat. Untuk menyelamatkan awak kapal, nakhoda memutuskan untuk melepaskan tali towing yang menghubungkan kedua kapal.

Dalam proses pelepasan, baling-baling TB. Chloe 03 terlilit tali towing, menyebabkan kedua kapal kehilangan kendali dan hanyut menuju Pulau Dowora. Pada Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2024, TK. Kapuas Jaya 303 semakin miring hingga 90 derajat, dan seluruh muatan Nickel Ore tumpah ke laut. Kapal akhirnya tenggelam setelah mengalami gesekan saat kandas di sekitar Pulau Dowora.

Meski kerugian materil signifikan, tidak ada korban jiwa dalam insiden ini. Pihak berwenang, termasuk SAR, segera melakukan koordinasi untuk penanganan lebih lanjut. Penyelidikan awal menunjukkan faktor cuaca buruk dan pergeseran muatan sebagai penyebab utama kecelakaan ini, sementara faktor manusia dinyatakan nihil.

Nakhoda TB. Chloe 03 berhasil membebaskan kapalnya dari lokasi kandas pada Senin, 02 September 2024, setelah memotong tali towing dan membersihkan sisa tali yang terlilit di baling-baling. Investigasi lebih lanjut akan dilakukan untuk memastikan penyebab pasti kecelakaan ini dan langkah penanganan selanjutnya.



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Saturday, September 2, 2024 - A maritime accident occurred in the waters of South Halmahera at coordinates 0°52.207'S 128°06.277'E, where the barge TK. Kapuas Jaya 303 was reported to have sunk due to bad weather and technical issues during its voyage. The barge was carrying 7,500.216 metric tons of Nickel Ore. Although there were no casualties or damage to the tugboat TB. Chloe 03, which was towing the barge, the entire cargo spilled into the sea.

The incident began on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, when TB. Chloe 03, towing TK. Kapuas Jaya 303, set sail from Molawe Port, Southeast Sulawesi, en route to Weda Port, North Maluku. During the voyage, rough weather struck the right side of the barge, causing TK. Kapuas Jaya 303 to list up to 10 degrees due to cargo shifting.

TB. Chloe 03’s captain, Rein Bertal Lalenoh, then decided to seek the nearest shelter on Damar Island. However, on Friday, August 30, 2024, the listing worsened to 25 degrees, making it difficult for TB. Chloe 03 to tow the barge. To ensure the safety of the crew, the captain decided to release the towing line connecting the two vessels.

During the process of releasing the towing line, TB. Chloe 03’s propeller got entangled, causing both vessels to lose control and drift toward Dowora Island. By Saturday, August 31, 2024, TK. Kapuas Jaya 303 listed further to 90 degrees, and the entire cargo of Nickel Ore spilled into the sea. The barge eventually sank after scraping the seabed near Dowora Island.

Despite the significant material loss, no lives were lost in the incident. Authorities, including SAR, promptly coordinated for further handling. Initial investigations indicate bad weather and cargo shifting as the main causes of the accident, with human error ruled out.

The captain of TB. Chloe 03 managed to free his vessel from the grounding site on Monday, September 2, 2024, after cutting the towing line and clearing the remaining rope tangled in the propeller. Further investigation will be conducted to confirm the exact cause of the accident and outline the next steps.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



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