Jumat, 9 Agustus 2024

Kecelakaan Kapal Nelayan Di Laut Balikpapan: Enam Korban Berhasil Diselamatkan // Fishing Boat Accident In Balikpapan Waters: Six Survivors Rescued

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Balikpapan, 8 Agustus 2024 Sebuah insiden laut melibatkan perahu nelayan dari Kampung Baru yang sedang menuju laut lepas terjadi pada hari ini. VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) Balikpapan menerima laporan terkait insiden tersebut dari MT PANCARAN 120, kapal tanker yang kebetulan berada di dekat lokasi kejadian.

Setelah menerima laporan, MT PANCARAN 120 segera melakukan tindakan penyelamatan terhadap korban. Informasi ini langsung diteruskan oleh VTS Balikpapan ke Kantor Basarnas Balikpapan dan KSOP (Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan) Balikpapan untuk koordinasi lebih lanjut.

Hingga berita ini diturunkan, total enam orang yang berada di kapal nelayan tersebut telah berhasil diselamatkan. Empat orang dievakuasi ke kapal MT PANCARAN 120, sementara dua orang lainnya diselamatkan oleh kapal MT SERANG JAYA.

Pihak berwenang terus memantau situasi dan memberikan perkembangan informasi lebih lanjut. Demikian laporan sementara dari lokasi kejadian.




Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



Fishing Boat Accident in Balikpapan Waters: Six Survivors Rescued

Balikpapan, 8 Agustus 2024 A maritime incident involving a fishing boat from Kampung Baru, which was heading towards the open sea, occurred today. VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) Balikpapan received a report about the incident from MT PANCARAN 120, a tanker that happened to be near the location.

Upon receiving the report, MT PANCARAN 120 immediately conducted a rescue operation for the victims. This information was promptly relayed by VTS Balikpapan to the Balikpapan Basarnas Office and KSOP (Harbormaster and Port Authority) Balikpapan for further coordination.

As of this report, a total of six people who were on the fishing boat have been successfully rescued. Four people were evacuated to the MT PANCARAN 120, while the remaining two were rescued by the MT SERANG JAYA.

Authorities continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as more information becomes available. This is the latest report from the scene.



Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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