Rabu, 7 Agustus 2024


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Batam, 06 Agustus 2024 - Pada tanggal 6 Agustus 2024, telah terjadi insiden tubrukan antara kapal MV. Fu Tong (GT. 27011, berbendera Panama) dengan MV. PVT Avira (GT. 28051, berbendera Panama) di perairan TSS Selat Singapura sebelah utara Nongsa, Batam.

Kronologis Kejadian:

  • Pukul 21.50 WIB: KN. Rantos - P.210 menerima informasi dari Koordinator Operasi melalui grup WhatsApp tentang kejadian tubrukan kapal di perairan TSS Selat Singapura sebelah utara Nongsa, Batam.

  • Pukul 22.28 WIB: KN. Rantos - P.210 melakukan komunikasi dan koordinasi dengan Batam VTS terkait informasi kejadian tersebut melalui radio VHF Ch 16 dan 74. Dari hasil komunikasi, diperoleh informasi bahwa telah terjadi tubrukan tersebut, di mana MV. PVT Avira melanjutkan pelayaran ke pelabuhan Tompok Utara, Malaysia, sedangkan MV. Fu Tong yang mengalami kerusakan pada lambung sebelah kiri diarahkan untuk berlabuh di koordinat pss01°-12'-482"N/ 104°-03'-823 E di sebelah barat Pulau Nongsa untuk penanganan dini dan sementara.

Kerugian yang Ditimbulkan:

  • Korban Jiwa: Nihil
  • Kerusakan: Robek di lambung kanan.
  • Pencemaran Minyak (Oil Spill): Nihil

Tindakan KN. Rantos - P.210:

  • Pukul 22.40 WIB: KN. Rantos - P.210 bertolak dari Dermaga Bintang 99 Persada, Batam menuju lokasi MV. Fu Tong.

  • Pukul 23.20 WIB: KN. Rantos - P.210 tiba di posisi MV. Fu Tong yang berlabuh tidak jauh dari posisi labuh KRI. Balongan 908.

  • Pukul 23.30 WIB: KN. Rantos - P.210 lego jangkar dan melakukan koordinasi dengan KRI. Balongan 908 melalui radio VHF Ch 16 terkait kondisi dan situasi perkembangan MV. Fu Tong.

  • Pukul 23.45 WIB: KN. Rantos - P.210 berkomunikasi dengan MV. Fu Tong via radio VHF Ch. 71 untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kondisi keamanan dan keselamatan awak kapal, kapal, muatan, dan potensi bahaya lingkungan perairan. Diperoleh informasi bahwa kapal berlayar dari Singapura menuju Rizhao, China, dengan muatan biji besi. Kondisi kapal masih dianggap aman dari kemungkinan tenggelam dan saat ini kapal berlabuh.

  • Pukul 23.50 WIB: RIB KN. Rantos - P.210 diturunkan untuk melakukan pengecekan, dokumentasi, dan meminta keterangan lebih lanjut dari nakhoda.

  • Pukul 00.05 WIB: RIB KN. Rantos - P.210 sandar di lambung kanan MV. Fu Tong dan tim menaiki kapal menggunakan tangga pandu yang telah disediakan.

Tindakan Tim Boarding:

  1. Meminta keterangan langsung dari nakhoda terkait kondisi keamanan dan keselamatan awak kapal, kapal, muatan, dan potensi pencemaran yang dapat ditimbulkan. Informasi ini dituangkan dalam surat pernyataan (Letter Agreement) yang terlampir.
  2. Mengambil dokumentasi foto kondisi kerusakan lambung kapal (terlampir).
  3. Mendapatkan foto copy Ship Particular, crewlist, dan cargo manifest (dokumen terlampir).

Pukul 01.30 WIB: Tim Boarding turun dan bertolak dari MV. Fu Tong untuk kembali ke KN. Rantos - P.210


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]




Batam, 06 August 2024 - On 6 August 2024, there was a collision incident between the MV. Fu Tong (GT. 27011, Panama flagged) and MV. PVT Avira (GT. 28051, Panama flagged) in TSS waters of Singapore Strait north of Nongsa, Batam.

Chronology of the incident:

At 21.50 pm: KN. Rantos - P.210 received information from the Operations Coordinator through the WhatsApp group about a ship collision in the TSS waters of the Singapore Strait north of Nongsa, Batam.

At 22.28 WIB: KN. Rantos - P.210 communicated and coordinated with Batam VTS regarding the information through VHF radio Ch 16 and 74. From the results of communication, information was obtained that there had been a collision, where MV. PVT Avira continued its voyage to North Tompok harbour, Malaysia, while MV. Fu Tong which suffered damage to the left hull was directed to anchor at coordinates pss01°-12'-482 "N/ 104°-03'-823 E west of Nongsa Island for early and temporary handling.

Losses Incurred:

Casualties: Nil
Damage: Tear in the starboard hull.
Oil Spill: Nil
Action KN. Rantos - P.210:

22.40 pm: KN. Rantos - P.210 departed from Bintang 99 Persada Pier, Batam towards the location of MV. Fu Tong.

At 23.20 pm: KN. Rantos - P.210 arrived at the position of MV. Fu Tong which was anchored not far from the anchorage position of KRI. Balongan 908.

At 23.30 WIB: KN. Rantos - P.210 dropped anchor and coordinated with KRI. Balongan 908 via VHF Ch 16 radio regarding the condition and situation of MV. Fu Tong.

At 23.45 WIB: KN. Rantos - P.210 communicates with MV. Fu Tong via VHF radio Ch. 71 to obtain information about the security and safety conditions of the crew, ship, cargo, and potential hazards of the aquatic environment. Information was obtained that the ship sailed from Singapore to Rizhao, China, with a cargo of iron ore. The condition of the ship is still considered safe from the possibility of sinking and the ship is currently anchored.

At 23.50 WIB: RIB KN. Rantos - P.210 was deployed to conduct checks, documentation, and request further information from the skipper.

At 00.05 WIB: RIB KN. Rantos - P.210 docked on the starboard hull of MV. Fu Tong and the team boarded the vessel using the provided pilot ladder.

Boarding Team Action:

Request direct information from the skipper regarding the security and safety conditions of the crew, ship, cargo, and potential pollution that could be caused. This information is outlined in the attached letter of agreement.
Taking photo documentation of the condition of the hull damage (attached).
Obtain photocopies of Ship Particular, crewlist, and cargo manifest (attached documents).
At 01.30 WIB: Boarding team disembarked and departed from MV. Fu Tong to return to KN. Rantos - P.210


Call Centre: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]




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