Jumat, 26 Juli 2024

Tanker MT. Green Global Mengalami Blackout Di Perairan Utara Pulau Sangiang // Tanker MT. Green Global Experiences Blackout In Northern Waters Of Sangiang Island

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Serang, 26 Juli 2024 - Tanker MT. Green Global, yang dioperasikan oleh PT. Usda Seroja Jaya, mengalami insiden blackout dan terbawa arus ke perairan utara Pulau Sangiang. Berikut adalah kronologis kejadian:

Data Kapal:

  • Nama Kapal: MT. Green Global
  • Callsign: POZV
  • Jenis Kapal: Tanker
  • GT: 3866
  • LOA: 105 m
  • Agent: PT. Usda Seroja Jaya
  • Pelabuhan Asal: Gresik
  • Pelabuhan Tujuan: Serang
  • Posisi Awal: 05° 55.970'S / 105° 50.890'E

Kronologis Kejadian:

  • 08.00 LT: Hand over dan penerusan berita terkait MT. Green Global dimulai.
  • 08.30 LT: Dilakukan broadcast navigasi peringatan terkait blackout MT. Green Global yang terbawa arus ke perairan penyeberangan utara Pulau Sangiang.
  • 08.33 LT: VTSO menerima informasi posisi MT. Green Global di 05°54.141'S / 105°52.631'E dari KMP. Rajarakata.
  • 08.35 LT: VTSO memberikan nasihat kepada kapal-kapal yang berada dekat dengan MT. Green Global.
  • 09.26 LT: VTSO berkoordinasi dengan KN. Trisula terkait situasi MT. Green Global, dan KN. Trisula diperkirakan tiba di posisi terakhir kapal dalam satu jam ke depan.
  • 09.40 LT: VTSO menghubungi agen Seroja terkait kelanjutan pemanduan kapal, namun belum ada keputusan terkait penggunaan assist tunda karena masalah administrasi.
  • 10.07 LT: VTSO BC NTM menginformasikan terkait blackout MT. Green Global.
  • 10.27 LT: VTSO memantau MT. Green Global dan berkomunikasi dengan pandu Kilo Bravo/Merak di ch 16, namun komunikasi terputus.
  • 10.28 LT: VTSO mendapat informasi dari kapten MT. Green Global bahwa posisi kapal saat ini berada di 05°55.970'S / 105°50.890'E.
  • 10.35 LT: Agen Seroja menginformasikan bahwa MT. Green Global akan dibantu tunda oleh Kilo Bravo dengan assist TB Tirtayasa V & TB Teluk Jakarta 212.
  • 11.20 LT: VTSO dan pandu Kilo Bravo berkoordinasi menghitung jarak dari posisi terakhir MT. Green Global di perairan Pulau Sangiang hingga ke Jetty Wilmar.
  • 11.30 LT: KN. Trisula menginformasikan akan mengevakuasi MT. Green Global.

Insiden ini tengah dalam penanganan dan pihak terkait terus memantau serta mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk memastikan keselamatan dan kelancaran operasional kapal.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



Serang, July 26, 2024 - The tanker MT. Green Global, operated by PT. Usda Seroja Jaya, experienced a blackout and was adrift in the northern waters of Sangiang Island. Below is the chronological account of the incident:

Vessel Data:

  • Vessel Name: MT. Green Global
  • Call Sign: POZV
  • Type of Vessel: Tanker
  • Gross Tonnage (GT): 3866
  • Length Overall (LOA): 105 meters
  • Agent: PT. Usda Seroja Jaya
  • Port of Origin: Gresik
  • Port of Destination: Serang
  • Initial Position: 05° 55.970'S / 105° 50.890'E

Incident Chronology:

  • 08.00 LT: Handover and dissemination of news related to MT. Green Global began.
  • 08.30 LT: A navigation warning broadcast was issued regarding the blackout of MT. Green Global, which was adrift in the northern crossing waters of Sangiang Island.
  • 08.33 LT: VTSO received information on the position of MT. Green Global at 05°54.141'S / 105°52.631'E from KMP. Rajarakata.
  • 08.35 LT: VTSO advised nearby vessels about the situation of MT. Green Global.
  • 09.26 LT: VTSO coordinated with KN. Trisula regarding MT. Green Global, with KN. Trisula expected to arrive at the last known position of the vessel within an hour.
  • 09.40 LT: VTSO contacted the Seroja agent regarding the continuation of the ship's guidance, but no decision was made regarding the use of assist tugs due to administrative issues.
  • 10.07 LT: VTSO BC NTM issued an update concerning the blackout of MT. Green Global.
  • 10.27 LT: VTSO monitored MT. Green Global and communicated with pilot Kilo Bravo/Merak on channel 16, but the communication was interrupted.
  • 10.28 LT: VTSO received information from the captain of MT. Green Global that the vessel's current position was 05°55.970'S / 105°50.890'E.
  • 10.35 LT: The Seroja agent informed that MT. Green Global would be assisted by Kilo Bravo with assist tugs TB Tirtayasa V and TB Teluk Jakarta 212.
  • 11.20 LT: VTSO and Kilo Bravo pilots coordinated to calculate the distance from the last known position of MT. Green Global in Sangiang Island waters to Wilmar Jetty.
  • 11.30 LT: KN. Trisula informed that they would evacuate MT. Green Global.

This incident is currently being managed, and relevant parties are continuously monitoring and taking necessary measures to ensure the safety and smooth operation of the vessel.




Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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