Jumat, 7 Juni 2024

KM. Dandelion Menabrak Dermaga Pelabuhan Kroing / MV Dandelion Collides With Jetty Kroing Port

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Pada tanggal 04 Juni 2024 Pukul 19:00 LT, kapal KM. Dandelion berjarak 2,5 mil dari dermaga. Nahkoda melakukan OHN agar semua ABK standby mesin AE 1 untuk persiapan olah gerak. Posisi saat itu jarak kapal dengan demaga kurang lebih setengah mil. Semua ABK standby pada tempatnya masing-masing. Pada saat itu Nahkoda memerintahkan KKM untuk stand by mesin untuk maju pelan, Nahkoda melakukan koordinasi dengan pihak Syahbandar terkait posisi kapal yang sudah mendekati dermaga. Pada saat yang bersamaan sudah standby Mualim I dan ABK di Haluan. Kapal bergerak maju Nahkoda masih melakukan komunikasi dengan pihak Syahbandar untuk menanyakan apa saja yang perlu dan di persiapkan pada saat olah gerak sandar di Pelabuhan. Dan instruksi Syahbandar Kroing agar kapal sandar kanan dan harus menurunkan jangkar kiri.

Setelah Nahkoda selesai berkomunikasi dengan pihak Syahbandar tiba-tiba Nahkoda mendapatkan informasi dari radio bahwasannya kapal sudah di depan dermaga dan saat itu juga di karena tidak ada fasilitas penerangan di dermaga, sehingga menggangu jarak pandang untuk ber-manufer. Karena terjadi kesalahan komuniksai tiba tiba posisi kapal sudah berjarak 20 meter dari dermaga Pelabuhan Laut Kroing. Dan pada saat itu juga dengan kecepatan sisa yang ada tidak dapat menghindar walaupun Nahkoda telah mengintruksikan kepada KKM untuk mundur dengan kecepatan penuh tapi dengan jarak yang begitu dekat kapal tidak mampu untuk mundur. Pukul 20:40 Lt kapal KM. Dandelion menabrak dermaga sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan pada dermaga kurang lebih 1 meter dan pergeseran sambungan dermaga.

Akibat dari Peristiwa ini Kapal mengalami kebocoran akan tetapi tidak mengganggu kelaik lautan kapal untuk berlayar. Karna posisi kebocoran kapal ada di bagian lambung sebelah kanan di atas jangar kanan dan Fasilitas dermaga Kroing bergeser 50 cm kebelakang Pada Tanggal 04 Juni 2024 jam 20:40 WIT Pihak Syahbandar Wilayah Kerja Pelabuhan Kroing berkoordinasi dengan Pak Kapolsek Babar Timur untuk memanggil Nahkoda Bersama perwira jaga diarahkan ke kantor Syahbandar Kroing.

Faktor Penyebab Kecelakaan yaitu diantaranya Nahkoda tidak menjatuhkan jangkar sesuai informasi dari Syahbandar untuk membantu perlambat kecepatan sebelum Sandar Dermaga. Selanjutnya terjadi kesalahan komunikan dan informasi antara Nahkoda dengan Mualim I yang berada di Haluan Kapal. Selain itu, Nahkoda terindikasi masih dalam keadaan Mabuk, dikarenakan meminum Alkohol sejak keluar dari Pelabuhan Tepa sehingga dalam mengontrol kapal tidak dalam keadaan Jernih/Sadar. Sehat dan berpikiran


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


English Version

On June 4, 2024, at 19:00 LT, the vessel MV Dandelion was approximately 2.5 nautical miles away from the Jetty at Kroing Port. The captain issued an Order to Have Notice (OHN) for all crew members to stand by the AE 1 engine for maneuvering preparation. At that time, the distance between the vessel and the Jetty was roughly half a mile. All crew members were on standby at their respective positions. Meanwhile, the captain instructed the Chief Engineer Officer (KKM) to standby the engine for slow forward movement, while also coordinating with the port authorities regarding the vessel's proximity to the Jetty. Simultaneously, the first officer (Mualim I) and crew members at the bow were on standby. As the vessel advanced, the captain continued communication with the port authorities to inquire about necessary preparations for Jettying maneuvers. The port authority at Kroing instructed the vessel to Jetty on the right side and to lower the left anchor.

After completing communication with the port authorities, the captain suddenly received information via radio that the vessel was already in front of the Jetty. However, due to the absence of illumination facilities at the Jetty, visibility for maneuvering was hindered. Consequently, due to a sudden communication error, the vessel found itself only 20 meters away from the Kroing Port Jetty. Despite the captain instructing the Chief Engineer Officer to reverse at full speed, the vessel's proximity prevented it from avoiding collision. At 20:40 LT, MV Dandelion collided with the Jetty, resulting in approximately 1 meter of damage to the Jetty structure and displacement of the Jetty's connection.

As a consequence of the incident, the vessel suffered a leak, though it did not compromise its seaworthiness. The leak was located on the right side of the hull above the right anchor. Additionally, the Kroing Port Jetty facility shifted approximately 50 cm backward.

On June 4, 2024, at 20:40 WIT, the Kroing Port Authority coordinated with the Babar Timur District Police Chief to summon the vessel's captain and the officer on watch to the Kroing Port Authority office for questioning.

The factors contributing to the accident included the captain's failure to drop the anchor as instructed by the port authority to aid in slowing down before Jettying. Furthermore, miscommunication between the captain and the first officer stationed at the bow occurred. Additionally, the captain was suspected to be intoxicated, having consumed alcohol since departing from Tepa Port, which may have impaired their ability to navigate the vessel effectively.

This incident underscores the importance of adherence to maritime safety procedures and monitoring the condition of the vessel's crew. Further investigation by the authorities is underway to ensure appropriate preventative measures are implemented to avoid similar incidents in the future.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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