Senin, 20 Mei 2024

KM Fuen 7 Mengalami Kebakaran Di Haluan Kapal Sandar Di Pelabuhan Regional 2 Cirebon / KM Fuen 7 On Fire At Forecastle While Berthing At Regional 2 Cirebon Port

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Cirebon, 19 Mei 2024 - Pada hari Minggu, pukul 22.47 WIB, anggota tim keamanan Pelindo Regional 2 Cirebon yang sedang melakukan patroli rutin menerima laporan melalui telepon dari saudara Agus, seorang PBM AYG yang sedang mengawasi kegiatan bongkar muat jagung di kapal KM Fuen 7 yang sandar di Dermaga Pelita 2, Pelabuhan Regional 2 Cirebon. Agus melaporkan bahwa telah terjadi kebakaran di haluan kapal.

Menindaklanjuti informasi tersebut, pada pukul 22.48 WIB, petugas keamanan segera menghubungi piket PMK Pelindo Regional 2 Cirebon, Bapak Udin, untuk meminta penanganan oleh tim PMK.

Pada pukul 23.05 WIB, tim PMK bersama tim keamanan melakukan pengecekan langsung ke lokasi kejadian dan mendapatkan informasi bahwa kebakaran disebabkan oleh karbit yang disimpan di haluan kapal dan terbakar akibat percikan air. Karbit tersebut merupakan sisa bahan fumigasi jagung dan kebakaran terjadi sekitar pukul 22.30 WIB.

Pada pukul 23.00 WIB, kebakaran tersebut berhasil ditangani oleh tim PMK, tim keamanan Pelindo Regional 2 Cirebon, dan kru kapal.

Pada pukul 00.15 WIB, kebakaran karbit dinyatakan selesai dengan situasi aman dan tidak ada kerugian materiil maupun korban jiwa. Untuk kegiatan keesokan harinya, disarankan agar berkoordinasi dengan HSSE Pelindo.

Sisa pembakaran karbit yang masih menyala mulai pukul 00.30 WIB tetap diawasi oleh kru kapal dan tim keamanan untuk memastikan situasi tetap aman.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


English Version

Cirebon, May 19, 2024 - On Sunday at 10:47 PM WIB, members of the Pelindo Regional 2 Cirebon security team who were conducting routine patrols received a phone report from Mr. Agus, a PBM AYG, who was overseeing the corn unloading activities on the KM Fuen 7 vessel docked at Pelita 2 Pier, Regional 2 Cirebon Port. Agus reported that a fire had broken out at the bow of the ship.

Following this information, at 10:48 PM WIB, the security officers immediately contacted Mr. Udin from the Pelindo Regional 2 Cirebon fire brigade to request handling by the fire brigade team.

At 11:05 PM WIB, the fire brigade team, assisted by the security team, conducted an on-site inspection and found that the fire was caused by carbide stored at the bow of the ship, which ignited due to water splashes. The carbide was leftover fumigation material for the corn, and the fire occurred around 10:30 PM WIB.

At 11:00 PM WIB, the fire was successfully handled by the fire brigade team, the Pelindo Regional 2 Cirebon security team, and the ship's crew.

At 12:15 AM WIB, the carbide fire was declared extinguished with the situation being safe and no material losses or casualties. For the next day's activities, it was advised to coordinate with Pelindo HSSE.

The remaining carbide combustion, which was still burning from 12:30 AM WIB, continued to be monitored by the ship's crew and the security team to ensure the situation remained safe.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


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