Minggu, 5 Mei 2024

Kapal MT. Gebang Terbakar Yang Berada Di Wilayah PT. Samudera Marine Indonesia 5 (SMI) / Fire Occurred On The MT. Gebang Ship Located At PT. Samudera Marine Indonesia 5 (SMI)

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Pada Hari Sabtu, Tanggal 04 Mei 2024 Telah terjadi kebakaran kapal MT. Gebang yang berada di PT. Samudera Marine Indonesia 5 (SMI) Kawasan Bojonegara Indonesia Park Kabupaten Serang. Berdasarkan laporan dari VTS Merak, sekitar Pukul 10.46 LT VTS Operator  Merak menerima informasi awal tersebut via telpon dari Kantor SAR Banten. Setelah di konfirmasi oleh tim patroli SAR ternyata kapal tersebut akan melakukan proses Scrub Saat proses itu terjadi ABK sudah tidak ada di dalam kapal. Kejadian tersebut diduga berasal dari percikan api pada saat memotong plat menggunakan alat las, sehingga dalam waktu cepat api membesar dan Api tidak berhasil dipadamkan dengan menggunakan APAR yang berada di lokasi kejadian

Kemudian VTS Operator Mencoba memastikan berita tersebut ke kapal2 di area perairan Bojonegara, guna memastikan valid atau tidaknya informasi tersebut, namun hasilnya tidak ada info yg diberikan oleh kapal kapal di sekitar.

Petugas Pemadam Kebakaran dibantu oleh TNI AL terus berupaya dalam memadamkan api tersebut. Adapun dari hasil penelusuran sementara, terdapat 3 korban Luka Bakar Ringan ABK MT. Gebang dan langsung dilarikan ke RS. Krakatau Medika.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]


English Version

On Saturday, May 4th, 2024, a fire occurred on the MT. Gebang ship located at PT. Samudera Marine Indonesia 5 (SMI) in the Bojonegara Indonesia Park area, Serang Regency. According to a report from VTS Merak, at around 10:46 AM local time, the VTS Operator in Merak received this initial information via phone call from the Banten SAR Office. After confirmation by the SAR patrol team, it was found that the ship was undergoing a Scrub process at the time, and the crew members were not on board. The incident is suspected to have originated from sparks while cutting plates using welding equipment, resulting in a rapid spread of fire which could not be extinguished using the available fire extinguishers (APAR) at the scene.

Subsequently, the VTS Operator attempted to verify this news with other ships in the Bojonegara waters to ensure the validity of the information, but no information was provided by the surrounding ships.

Fire fighters, assisted by the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL), continued their efforts to extinguish the fire. Preliminary investigations revealed that there were 3 crew members of the MT. Gebang who sustained minor burns and were promptly taken to Krakatau Medika Hospital.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]

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