Dalam rangka adanya kegiatan Provision of subsea operation for diving, ROV, and Vessel Support Services disampaikan bahwa PT.Seascape Surveys Indonesia selaku kontraktor pekerjaan akan melakukan pekerjaan survey dan inspeksi dengan rincian sebagai berikut:
1. Kontraktor: PT.Seascape Surveys Indonesia
2. Waktu: 22 April - 26 Juni 2024
3. Lokasi: Perairan Teluk Bintuni, Papua Barat
4. Titik koordinat: Terlampir di foto
5. Nama kapal/ Tanda panggilan/ IMO: ANGGREK 601 (EX.OCC JAGUAR) / YDIO2 / 9513878
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut untuk menjamin keselamatan pelayaran dan keamanan atas kegiatan migas disekitar wilayah kerja BP Berau Ltd, Bintuni, Papua Barat dimohon untuk kapal-kapal, pelaut, dan masyarakat pelayaran yang berada atau melintasi area Perairan Teluk Bintuni agar dapat memperhatikan, menjaga jarak aman, serta bernavigasi dengan waspada.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
In the context of the Provision of Subsea Operation for Diving, ROV, and Vessel Support Services activity, it is hereby conveyed that PT. Seascape Surveys Indonesia, as the contractor, will conduct survey and inspection works with the following details:
- Contractor: PT. Seascape Surveys Indonesia
- Duration: April 22nd - June 26th, 2024
- Location: Waters of Bintuni Bay, West Papua
- Coordinate points: Attached in the photo
- Vessel Name/Call Sign/IMO: ANGGREK 601 (EX.OCC JAGUAR) / YDIO2 / 9513878
In relation to this, to ensure the safety of navigation and security for oil and gas activities around the working area of BP Berau Ltd, Bintuni, West Papua, it is requested that vessels, sailors, and maritime communities within or traversing the waters of Bintuni Bay area pay attention, maintain a safe distance, and navigate with caution.
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]"