Selasa, 26 Maret 2024

Tug Boat Hasyim Terbakar Di Muara Teweh Jetty Luwe - Kalimantan Tengah / Hasyim Tug Boat Caught Fire At Muara Teweh Jetty Luwe - Central Kalimantan

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Muara Taweh - Kalimantan Tengah, Senin (25/03/2024), telah terjadi insiden terbakarnya TB. HASYIM. Menurut Kapten kapal dan kru yang lainnya menyebutkan ada 4 sampai 5 org ABK yang berada di kapal pada saat kejadian.
Kejadian pukul 19.00 wib kapal meledak di tambatan perusahaan PADAIDI  dan salah satu karyawan perusahaan segera memotong tali tambat nya agar tidak menjalar ke kapal  lain yang bertambat di lokasi tersebut. Kapal  dibiarkan hanyut di sungai sampai jauh dari pemukiman warga, api baru bisa dipadamkan ± pukul 23.50 WIB dibantu warga sekitar yang menggunakan kapal pemasiran dan anggota BPBD,
Korban atas nama :
1.Rijaldi (Dilarikan ke RS) ABK TB HASYIM
2.Atul Yeser (Dilarikan ke RS) ABK TB W A G
3.Sahminan (TMD) ABK TB HASYIM
4.Dali Rizaldy (TMD) ABK TB HASYIM
5.Awaludin ( informasi Masih simpang siur apakah YBS ada di kapal pada saat kejadian dan atau ditempat lain, di karenakan sampai dengan saat ini masih belum bisa di hubungi )

untuk saat ini TB. HASYIM sudah di tambat oleh warga di daerah ujung desa luwe hilir teluk jeluin. Sampai laporan ini dibuat, Penyebab kebakaran masih belum diketahui dalam proses aparat kepolisian dan kapal yang masih dalam keadaan tergenang air sehingga anggota sulit untuk  memeriksa keseluruhan bagian dalam kapal.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]



Muara Taweh - Central Kalimantan, Monday (25/03/2024), there was a burning incident of TB. HASYIM According to the Captain of the ship and other crew members, there were 4 to 5 crew members on board at the time of the incident.
The incident occurred at 19.00 wib the ship exploded at the mooring of the PADAIDI company and one of the company employees immediately cut the mooring rope so as not to spread to other ships moored at that location. The ship was left drifting in the river until it was far from residential areas, the fire could only be extinguished ± 23.50 WIB with the help of local residents who used the pemasiran boat and BPBD members,
Victims on behalf of:
1.Rijaldi (Flown to the hospital) ABK TB HASYIM
2.Atul Yeser (Flushed to hospital) ABK TB W A G
3.Sahminan (TMD) crew member of TB HASYIM
4.Dali Rizaldy (TMD) ABK TB HASYIM
5.Awaludin (information is still confusing whether YBS was on the ship at the time of the incident and or elsewhere, because until now he still cannot be contacted)

for now TB. HASYIM has been moored by residents at the end of luwe village downstream of Jeluin Bay. Until this report was made, the cause of the fire is still unknown in the process of police officers and the ship is still in a waterlogged state so that members are difficult to examine the entire inside of the ship.


Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]

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