Pada hari Minggu, tanggal 24 Maret 2024, kapal KMN. Dharma Nusantara mengalami kerusakan mesin di tengah laut, menyebabkan ketidakmampuan kendali kapal karena kondisi ombak yang tinggi. Air laut mulai masuk ke dalam kapal karena Alkon kapal tidak sanggup memompa air keluar. Pukul 20.00 WITA, Perwira Jaga Kantor KSOP kelas II Bontang menerima informasi dari Radio Bontang Badak LNG tentang kecelakaan kapal ikan KMN. Dharma Nusantara, yang tenggelam akibat cuaca buruk dengan 11 korban, terletak di posisi lintang 00°10.140 S, bujur 117°50.55 E di perairan Bontang dan Sangatta.
Perwira Jaga Kantor KSOP Kelas II Bontang melaporkan kejadian kepada Kepala Seksi Keselamatan Berlayar Penjagaan dan Patroli serta Kepala Kantor KSOP Kelas II Bontang. Mereka berkoordinasi dengan berbagai pihak, termasuk Pemanduan (Pelindo), BPBD Kota Bontang, Perikanan Tg. Limau - Bontang, Polairud Polsek Bontang, serta agen pelayaran dan kapal-kapal terdekat melalui jaringan Radio Kapal untuk memerintahkan evakuasi korban. Sebanyak 11 orang awak kapal KMN. Dharma Nusantara berhasil diselamatkan menggunakan Kapal LCT. Lien Star 88 yang sedang melintas menuju Tersus PT. Indominco Mandiri Bontang.
Pada hari Senin, 25 Maret 2024, pukul 07.00 WITA, kapal LCT. Lien Star 88 tiba di Dermaga Tersus PT. Indominco Mandiri dengan pengawalan dari kapal Patroli KNP. 478 milik kantor KSOP Kelas II Bontang. Para korban langsung menjalani pemeriksaan kesehatan oleh Tim Kesehatan PT. Indominco Mandiri dan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bontang. Selanjutnya, korban diantar menggunakan Bus Perusahaan ke Kantor KSOP Kelas II Bontang untuk dijemput oleh keluarga mereka.
Data Kapal yang mengalami Kecelakaan:
Bendera Kapal: INDONESIA
Tanda Panggilan:-
Tonase Kapal (GT): 30 GT
Nama Nakhoda: MASDAR
Nama Pemilik/Agen: -
Jumlah Awak Kapal: 11 Orang
Jumlah Penumpang:-
Jenis Muatan: -
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]
On Sunday, March 24, 2024, the vessel KMN. Dharma Nusantara experienced engine failure in the middle of the sea, leading to a loss of control due to high waves. Sea water began to enter the vessel as the ship's pumps were unable to expel it. At 20:00 WITA, Officer on Duty at KSOP Class II Bontang received information from Radio Bontang Badak LNG regarding the accident involving the fishing vessel KMN. Dharma Nusantara, which sank due to adverse weather conditions with 11 casualties, located at latitude 00°10.140 S, longitude 117°50.55 E in the waters of Bontang and Sangatta.
The Officer on Duty at KSOP Class II Bontang reported the incident to the Head of the Sail Safety Inspection and Patrol Section as well as the Head of KSOP Class II Bontang. They coordinated with various parties, including Pemanduan (Pelindo), BPBD Bontang City, Fisheries Tg. Limau - Bontang, Polairud Polsek Bontang, shipping agents, and nearby vessels via Ship Radio Network to initiate the evacuation of the victims. A total of 11 crew members of the vessel KMN. Dharma Nusantara were successfully rescued using the vessel LCT. Lien Star 88, which was passing by en route to Tersus PT. Indominco Mandiri Bontang.
On Monday, March 25, 2024, at 07:00 WITA, the vessel LCT. Lien Star 88 arrived at the Tersus PT. Indominco Mandiri under the escort of Patrol Ship KNP. 478 belonging to KSOP Class II Bontang. The victims underwent immediate health checks by the Health Team of PT. Indominco Mandiri and the Health Department of Bontang City. Subsequently, the victims were transported by Company Bus to the Office of KSOP Class II Bontang to be reunited with their families.
Accident Vessel Data:
Vessel Flag: INDONESIA
Call Sign: -
Vessel Tonnage (GT): 30 GT
Master's Name: MASDAR
Owner/Agent Name: -
Number of Crew: 11 Persons
Number of Passengers: -
Cargo Type: -
Call Center: +6285216221177 | Email: [email protected]