Teluk Palu, 19 Maret 2024 - Sebuah kapal bernama TB. Tol Landak 1 dengan call sign YDB4940 dan bendera Indonesia dilaporkan kandas di perairan Masalembo. Informasi ini disampaikan oleh Bapak Adrianis petugas SROP Pantoloan.
Kronologi kecelakaan kapal menunjukkan bahwa kapal telah terdampar di karang selama 6 hari karena cuaca buruk dan tidak dapat berkomunikasi karena radio komunikasi rusak. Kapal ini berangkat dari Gresik menuju Banjarmasin sebelum mengalami insiden.
SROP Pantoloan telah melakukan panggilan darurat menggunakan frekuensi 6215.0 Khz, namun tidak mendapatkan jawaban. SROP Pantoloan meminta bantuan kepada SROP terdekat untuk memantau keberadaan kapal tersebut dan memberikan pertolongan yang dibutuhkan.
Demikian informasi terbaru dari peristiwa kapal kandas di perairan Masalembo.
English Version
Selat Palu, March 19, 2024 - TB. Tol Landak 1 with call sign YDB4940 and the Indonesian flag was reported grounded in the waters of Masalembo. This information was conveyed by Mr. Adrianis, an officer of the Pantoloan Coastal Radio.
The chronology of the shipwreck indicates that the ship had been grounded on a reef for 6 days due to bad weather and could not communicate because the radio was malfunction. The ship departed from Gresik heading to Banjarmasin before the incident occurred.
Pantoloan Coastal Radio has made an emergency call using the frequency 6215.0 Khz, but did not receive a response. Pantoloan Coastal Radio requested assistance from the nearest Coastal Radio to monitor the whereabouts of the ship and provide the necessary assistance.
This is the latest information regarding the shipwreck incident in the waters of Masalembo.
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