Senin, 11 Maret 2024

Kapal MV. Golden Keen Terlibat Dalam Insiden Putusnya Kabel Bawah Laut Di Perairan Cigading | MV. Golden Keen Involved In Underwater Cable Breakage Incident In Cigading Waters

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Kapal MV. Golden Keen Terlibat dalam Insiden Putusnya Kabel Bawah Laut di Perairan Cigading


Perairan Cigading - Sebuah insiden serius menimpa kapal MV. Golden Keen dengan Call Sign V7WF9 pada hari Kamis, 07 Maret 2024, pukul 11.30 LT pada posisi 05°59.782”S/105°54.046”E. Kapal bulk carrier yang bendera Marshall Island ini terlibat dalam kejadian putusnya kabel bawah laut yang mengakibatkan kekhawatiran dan upaya penyelamatan yang berkelanjutan.


Menurut kronologis kejadian yang diterima, MV. Golden Keen dilaporkan memasuki area VTS Merak sekitar pukul 10.00 LT. VTS Merak, dalam monitoringnya, mencatat bahwa kapal ini berada di atas kabel sub marine pada pukul 11.20 LT. Kemudian pada pukul 11.30 LT VTS memebrikan Warning Kembali dan memberikan posisi berlabuh yang aman di posisi 05°58.184”S - 105°56.567”E.


Pada pukul 11.48 LT, MV. Golden Keen mengkonfirmasi kepada VTS bahwa jangkar kapal tidak dapat terangkat karena terdapat sesuatu yang mengganjal di jangkar. Kepanduan Cigading juga terlibat dalam koordinasi untuk mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi kapal ini.


Kepanduan Cigading kemudian menginformasikan bahwa MV. Golden Keen tidak dapat mengangkat jangkar dan telah mengirimkan email kepada pemilik kapal untuk meminta bantuan dalam memeriksa kondisi jangkar di bawah laut.


Hingga Sabtu, 09 Maret 2024, situasi masih belum terselesaikan. Team penyelam sudah berada di atas kapal sejak pukul 08.45 LT, namun kendala malam hari mempersulit proses tersebut. MV. Golden Keen dilaporkan baru dapat pindah labuh keesokan harinya, menurut informasi yang diterima dari agen kapal.


Sementara itu, pada pukul 22.48 LT, VTS Merak menerima informasi dari Operator SGI / Patroli Kabel bawah laut bahwa kabel bawah laut SMW3 telah putus. Permintaan bantuan VTS untuk mengecek replay kedatangan kapal tersebut diapresiasi dalam upaya menangani situasi darurat ini.


Cuaca saat insiden terjadi dilaporkan hujan ringan dengan jarak pandang sekitar ±7KM dan kecepatan angin berkisar antara 1 hingga 20 knot.


Kami akan terus memperbarui informasi seiring perkembangan situasi di perairan Cigading. Tetap pantau untuk pembaruan lebih lanjut.

Tim Maritime Coordination Center


English Version


Cigading Waters - A serious incident has occurred involving the vessel MV. Golden Keen with Call Sign V7WF9 on Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 11:30 LT at position 05°59.782”S/105°54.046”E. The bulk carrier vessel, flying the Marshall Islands flag, was involved in the breaking of an underwater cable, leading to concerns and ongoing rescue efforts.


According to the received chronology of events, MV. Golden Keen was reported to have entered the VTS Merak area around 10:00 LT. VTS Merak, during its monitoring, noted that the vessel was positioned above a sub-marine cable at 11:20 LT. Subsequently, at 11:30 LT, VTS issued a Warning and provided a safe anchorage position at 05°58.184”S - 105°56.567”E.


At 11:48 LT, MV. Golden Keen confirmed to VTS that its anchor could not be lifted due to an obstruction. Cigading Piloting was also involved in coordinating efforts to address the vessel's issues.


Cigading Piloting then informed that MV. Golden Keen could not lift its anchor and had sent an email to the vessel's owner requesting assistance in inspecting the underwater condition of the anchor.


As of Saturday, March 9, 2024, the situation remains unresolved. Diving teams have been on board since 08:45 LT, but nighttime constraints have hindered the process. MV. Golden Keen is reported to only be able to move anchor the following day, as per information received from the vessel's agent.


Meanwhile, at 22:48 LT, VTS Merak received information from the SGI Operator/Underwater Cable Patrol that the SMW3 underwater cable had been severed. VTS's request for assistance in checking the replay of the vessel's arrival is appreciated in managing this emergency situation.


The weather conditions during the incident were reported to be light rain with visibility of approximately ±7KM and wind speeds ranging from 1 to 20 knots.


We will continue to update information as the situation develops in Cigading waters. Stay tuned for further updates.


Maritime Coordination Center Team

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